• Lone Worker Devices
    Hi Julie,
    We use Get Home Safe app. The corporate version allows an adminstrator to add/remove people and set escalation functions. They can live track where a person is. There is an emergency alert button. We use it for field trips, community visits etc.

  • Tell us something about yourself that might surprise readers
    I trained as a Medical Laboratory Scientist in Cytogenetics. When I met my husband and he was tranferred to Auckland, Mlebourne and then UK I was able to continue working in this field, before returning to NZ and turning to H&S roles.
  • EAP Providers
    We use Benestar and found them very good. Staff are able to make appointments directly with the counsellor of choice. I have not had any negative feedback of the service.
  • Remote and on road workers like account managers
    We also use Get Home Safe. There is a free invidual version that is flexible to nominate different contacts or the Corporate one which managers can monitor locations of people. As above though it does rely on cell phone coverage. Our reps call their manager to say when they were about to enter a black spot and at what time they expected to return to cell phone coverage. That way we would know if they were overdue and where they we going to be.
  • Frivolous Friday Mk2 AKA The Dead Horse?
    Yes knocked 30 years off my age. Feel so much better.
  • Fatigue Management Policy
    Some year's ago at a previous employer, we had technicians working out of town on a job that had to be completed between 5pm and 3am. It was the summer holidays and all accomodation was heavily booked. On several occasions, our techs found themselves finishing work at 3am but having to vacate the motel room at 10am. They ended up sleeping in the vehicle and expected to turn up for work in a fit state at 5pm. Management were aware of the situation but would do nothing due to project deadlines and penalty clauses. The offered use of an employee's caravan was declined because it wasn't "approved accomodation".

    I'd be interested to see if anyone has a Policy covering this scenario and how would they go about enforcing it?

    FYI the project still over-ran both costs and time.
  • WorkSafe new ads?
    The ad seems to highlight everything that was wrong with the scenario - it would be good if they did a follow up to show what good work practice looks like.

    And what was it with the guy and his clipboard???
  • Walk in freezer access/egress
    The 1998 standard has been superseded by AS/NZS 5149:2016 Pts 1-4
  • FENZ (Covid-19 Fire Safety Evac Schemes) Amendment Regs 2020
    Yes, we were aware of this back in April. This was because we were due a trial evacuation and wanted to find out if we still needed to do them. We were not notified but found it on the FENZ website.
  • Bright ideas to engage our... older gentlemen workers in H&S
    As above, engaging with them in a meaningful way, not in a classroom setting. I've involved them in developing training and SOPs for operating a particular piece of machinery, Reviewing the past incidents on that machine, asking for their opinion on how this could have been prevented.