• Tell us something about yourself that might surprise readers
    Hard to decide which would be the most interesting
    so heres the top three in random order lol

    • Was an extra in the original Ghostbusters movie
    • Got to go for a ride in the 05 Commodore with the God that was Peter Brock, around the Wellington Waterfront racetrack back in the 80s.
    • I have a Liverpool Football Club tattoo on my right shoulder
  • Bird Pest Control recommendations please
    Thank you everyone for your suggestions so far.

    Being a supermarket its very hard to manage keeping birds outside when you have five exterior doors which are actively open at one time or another 24/7 due to forklift, stock or people movements.

    I enjoyed reading the risk management info for horticultural industry but while we have no difficulty in scaring the birds currently we need to be able to get them back outside again (alive or deceased)
    Its a pity cannons, lasers or drones cannot capture them.

    We will keep searching.
  • Traffic Management Plan
    I went through this exercise last year and all of the companies i found were horrendously expensive, however I found Marty Crafar. He is based in New Plymouth but does travel.

    I didnt need to use him in the end as our TMP planning was put on hold til we have the redesign of our new warehouse this year.

    He charges $150 an hour which is pretty reasonable compared to other quotes.

    Marty Crafar
    Safety Consultant

    0274 524 002

  • "Digital" OHSMIS - Occupational Health & Safety Systems used by companies in NZ?
    Having worked with Vault for both a telco and a facilities management co I found it to be outdated and cumbersome.
    I have been working in grocery trade for last 15 months and we use a custom built Ecoportal https://www.ecoportal.com/ . I find it much more user friendly and practical.
  • Plastic Curtains
    Hey David - good to see you on the forum (been a while since our mutual employer days). Thanks for that suggestion, it seems to be something simple so will discuss with my manager tomorrow.
  • Plastic Curtains
    Hi Matt we already have a rapid roller door approximately 2 metres away on the other side of the curtains. My manager will not spent another $$k on a second one. The first one has just been replace six months ago due to damage by a forklift ugh.
  • Who influenced you?
    You were my first inspiration. You were the person at Chorus who saw my potential, believed in my ability and gave me all the opportunity (and funding/training) I could get to complete practical studies. From starting as a green H & S Rep to getting <---thisclose---> to completing my Level 4 Certificate in Occupational H & S before being made redundant was because of you.
    Your commitment to H & S in the telco industry was second to none and It was a pleasure having you as a mentor.

    My second inspiration is John McCammon who I also met during my time at Chorus. Here was a man who exported his family from the UK all because of a job offered in NZ. I was privileged to be able to work one on one with John during his tenure with the company. John is a great down to earth guy with the right motivation to get H & S done. Not one to beat around the bush, or fluff words, he gave me every day practical advice and in fact was instrumental in helping me the role I currently have. His reference to the HR team was glowing (and a little embarrassing tbh).

    Both these two have been the people who have played the biggest and best part in my desire to step outside of my comfort zone and "go for it".
  • HSR Training
    Thanks Jane - thats exactly what I need. Now to get him past that last sentence.
  • FENZ (Covid-19 Fire Safety Evac Schemes) Amendment Regs 2020
    Well I wish I had known about this as I had a H & S audit two months ago and got pinged because we didn't do our timed evacuation trial in March as required (We did it once we were back to Level 2).
  • Pedestrian/Traffic Management Solution consultants
    Thanks Wayne PS nice to see you outside of the "old employer" lol
  • Pedestrian/Traffic Management Solution consultants
    Thank you, I have already contacted Vanguard but was looking for a second option.
  • 28 Days Later - Just Curious.
    There has been a higher than normal trend for staff to not turn up for work because they are "sick", we have had quite a substantial amount go off to their doctor and become "vulnerable" because they could.
    But the biggest difference is the mentality that because COVID is first and foremost they have forgotten that normal health and safety applies - the drop in incident reporting is high and I am forever reminding staff of the need to report accidents.