• Mental Health / Wellbeing Policy
    Hi Brook,

    A key part that we have included in our Mental Health and Wellbeing policy is a section around reporting. This is so that employees know exactly how and who they can report their concerns to and also for the employer to understand their obligations around investigating any concerns raised.

    Suzanne has already mentioned the MHF’s five ways to wellbeing at work. MHF has a general wellbeing best practice guide and suggests five ways to improve everyday life:
    1. Give
    2. Be Active
    3. Keep Learning
    4. Take notice
    5. Connect

    We consider this to be important as employees must be responsible for taking steps to promote their own wellbeing. Here’s a link to the guide: https://www.mentalhealth.org.nz/assets/Five-Ways-downloads/mentalhealth-5waysBP-web-single-2015.pdf

    Good luck with the drafting!