• Vaping and Smoking Areas at Workplaces
    Hi Rebecca,
    I am unaware of any requirements to provide a designated place for smoking/vaping. I recall that a few years ago one of the meat works attempted to set up a smoking room with high level ventilation to enable staff to smoke without breaching the clothing requirements by having to go offsite but this was stopped as the room did not comply as it was inside.
    I do not believe you cannot set up a gazebo or similar outside on your site, the only requirement being it doesn't affect non-smokers.
    We have a similar issue on the outdoor spaces on our campuses as the Polytechnic smoking policy designated the whole worksite (indoor and outdoor) as being smoke free.
    As Keith has said it is a tricky balancing act.
  • Welders and biological monitoring
    Hi Leah,
    I would recommend you contact a Occ Hygiene Specialist to provide info on the quantification of the fume and then engage an OH Nurse for your testing and monitoring of staff. Feel free to email me () for specific recommendations around who we have used.
  • RCD & Test and Tag
    Thanks Steve, I am having a discussion with a facility manager who has been advised by the electrical Engineer that because the whole building is RCD'd then individual equipment that is plugged into the building does not require TnT, I just wanted to check this as my knowledge in this field isn't enough to question this assumption and I feel the TnT is just and another "reasonably practical step" we can take to help manage electrical safety of our staff and students.
  • WorkSafe: should it stick to its knitting?
    Hi Peter, No I think it is a natural progression to start challenging the views and practices up stream and should be part of the regulators role.
  • Contractor Management - The Thin Paper Wall
    Great read, thank you Simon.
    I have a similar opinion to Craig in relation to using pre-qual, if a contractor provides a copy, great but they still need to provide evidence to Us (Organisation) of how they intend to do the job and how they are minimizing the risks to others in our workplace. I feel that all the pre-qual provides us is confirmation that when the contractor was assessed their ducks were lined up, but that doesn't mean they are still lined up 6, 12, 18 months later, the ducks move. it can be useful but I do not see it as a prerequisite.
    I believe for most organisations Contractors are the most awkward risk to manage.
  • Lone worker monitoring solution
    Depending upon your industry, Solo Protect may be worth a look
  • Near miss reporting
    How does one acquire a copy of this legendary FARK scale :-) along with permission to use it or at least refer to it, seriously though that way of putting it may help students relate to the concept and process.
  • Educating your board
    Agree with Michael and Celeste, I also asked "if you had an unlimited H&S Budget what would you do first"
  • Developing a strategy for H&S
    I agree with the opinions expressed so far and would add that if H&S is not be left as an "add on" we need to have a H&S Strategy that looks at how H&S contributes to the wider goals of the organization, from this strategy a number of strategic H&S objectives can be developed and these in turn will inform the H&S Goals required for the annual H&S Plan which becomes the work plan of the H&S "Team".
    I believe the strategy has to be longer term, 3-5 years, to enable goals to be set and achieved.
    It is not easy but makes reporting and identification of gaps a lot simpler and everyone knows where you are going, however the strategy must be agreed and signed at Board and Exec Leadership level to enable it to become part of the overall business strategy.
  • Frivolous Friday
    In the light of the frivolous discussion, all me to draw your attention to the actions of the late Spike Milligan (loosely adapted from his war trilogy in 6 parts) in book four, "Where have all the bullets gone" he refers to the setting up of a frivolous file that did the rounds of the Admin Team of the Unit he was posted to, the file grew to about 2 inches thick. Anyone familiar with the Military bureaucracy will understand hour such files can do the rounds for months even years... I now see this evolving here... long may it continue :-)
  • Beards and Respirators
    Great points, I would also suggest you would need to check around any religious or cultural issues the employee may have regarding the growing of a beard. :-)
  • Do H&S-related roles in NZ pay enough to attract the best people into the business?
    Hi Peter
    I tend to agree with most of Andrew's comments regarding this question. I have noted recently that the industry and the organisation's understanding of H&S also play a part in the level of salary. Private sector appear to pay above the median whereas the Public sector are often below, there also appears to be an interesting range in the Public sector as well.
    I also agree with Andrew (a trend emerging here) that the key motivator for some H&S professionals does not appear to be pay but the challenges presented by the role and organization.
    Also I have yet to meet a H&S Professional who doesn't think they are good at what they do but "the Best" is a very relative term.
  • Contractor Pre qualification /approval systems
    Thanks Peter, That has jogged my memory.
  • Contractor Pre qualification /approval systems
    Good Morning,
    Can anyone point me in the right direction concerning the Case law Tania is referring to.
    Thanks in Advance
  • A strange request
    Well put Peter. Even with all the media over incidents and managing risks, people are still looking for the easy way out, to paraphrase Richard Branson "if you look after your people, they will look after the business" that train of thinking applies across the board in all disciplines of business.
  • Confined space triple fatality - 20 years ago
    Great read, thanks Peter. I find it hard to believe it was 20 years ago. I still use this incident as an example during some of the Training I deliver in house as it is provides valuable learning around assessing risk but also human nature when a friend or colleague gets into trouble.
  • Pocket-sized information to help workers with Risk Assessments (or similar)
    Hi Robert,
    We have developed our own card based upon our risk management standard, this will be provided to staff during our Risk management Update sessions in the new year.
    Happy to share, but be warned one small aspect is based upon our Corporate Standard but otherwise it is pretty general. Please email me direct if you would like a copy, my email is
  • Stress Assessment Tool
    Thanks for the feedback and responses.

    I agree with the comments provided, stress is both good and bad and comes from a range of situations etc. some work, some non-work. What I believe is the key is understanding the impact upon workers and their ability to do the work, herein lies the challenge. But I firmly believe, and it relates back to the WorkSafe material regarding understanding the effect of work on Health and Health on Work.

    To quote a character from the movie "Platoon" who says "if you free your mind then your ass will follow" a concept which flows into the MHF's 5 ways of working program. all this means, I believe, is that we need a multi pronged approach to this issue of "stress", but as an employer if you understand what causes the stress for your staff then you are better able to develop processes, procedures, systems and support for your staff to enable them to have a successful and fulfilling working life and that goes a long way to developing a culture where Health Safety and Wellbeing is BAU.

    Nga Mihi
  • Stress Assessment Tool
    Both actually, we need to be able to maintain a balance.
  • Mental Wellbeing in the Workplace
    Contact the Mental Health Foundation and find out who in your are can deliver their Ways to Wellbeing Programme. This is a fantastic starting point.