• Exit Health Monitoring
    One aspect that may have been overlooked as to why you should complete exit medicals, and separate from whether pre or annual (which in some industry is mandatory) health monitoring has been undertaken or not is....... that you get your worker to declare the items below:

    * Are you aware of any ill effects from any work you have done whilst working here? – Illnesses, injuries,
    potential harmful exposures
    * Was this injury/illness reported and recorded on an accident/incident form/database?
    * Has this injury/illness been resolved? Please detail any on-going treatment
    * Do you have an open injury case/claim?
    * I agree to the contents of this record and confirm that it reflects a true record in regard to my past and
    present occupational health.

    This, to some degree anyway, indemnifies the Business from a worker claiming ACC (or other) benefits after they have left your employ. It is important to try to ensure they have no current injury or they have no undeclared injury as you maybe paying for their treatment through additional levies (ie your experience rating).

    Now commenting on the responses re pre-employments.

    * It is not always practical for some business to easily obtain pre-employment medicals, however some
    GP's are providing this service.
    * As minimal protection to the Business, completion of a pre-employ health questionnaire is essential.
    * If no pre-emp med, the you can use the first annual medical as the baseline going forward (not ideal).
    * WorkSafe is now (much more than OSH ever did) wanting to see evidence of annual health
    monitoring espicially (but not only) around respiratory illness and noise induced hearing loss risks.