• "Digital" OHSMIS - Occupational Health & Safety Systems used by companies in NZ?
    I would add, the worker HS Rep has said the workers are reporting more with Assignar too, we can build the Hazards Register in as a drop down, then auto drop down to the known controls, does so many many things effortlessly
  • "Digital" OHSMIS - Occupational Health & Safety Systems used by companies in NZ?
    Assignar, its a work management system. Happy to provide more detail if you want. We needed a one stop shop for bookings, workers details, safety forms, and it nails it. User friendly, never had an outage.
  • Training management solutions
    Hi, Assignar is amazing for this. The workers can access all documents via the Ap, expiry dates are loaded and so on. We are using Assignar for bookings and rolling out work. So training and induction requirements for clients are cross referenced automatically before sending someone on a job. We also use if for expiries against the trucks, and the safety gear. We have our internal training programme via forms we built in Assignar, which also allow issue and expiry dates. You can email me if you need, and I can send the link to the demo we received when scoping Aps. Oh, with reporting, you can slide and drop what every feilds you want to report on in the Data Visualiser. (just looking at Dons comment)
  • Incident report record keeping
    At the Central Districts Field Days Work Safe said I only needed to keep notifiable incident information. But Andrews list in the comments above seems really helpful
  • Safety statistics and classifications
    Hi, thanks Bruce, I have seen that we are meant to count stand down hours too, unfortunately this is more about consistency across the reporting platforms that sometimes slice and dice information in different ways. North Power have confirmed they don't need vehicle stats, but as mentioned early the safety statistics for IsNetworld require anything over $1000 cost, irrespective of where the fault rests (as in could be an incident in a company car outside work hours). The work your doing around hours looks really interesting at discussions around risks too.
  • Safety statistics and classifications
    HI Tania....Auckland Libraries have a copy and I have ordered :) Thanks for your comment, my thoughts too
  • Safety statistics and classifications
    HI Carolyn, thank you! nice to know I am not alone in this!
  • Safety statistics and classifications
    Hi Tracy, thanks for that. We have things to that degree established, but to complete the statistics across various pre-quals requires reclassifying and reconfiguring data to report. For example, IsnNetworld - Northpower client - requires vehicle incidents above $1000 in damages, it does not distinguish where the fault rests. Constantly re classifying statistics in response to clients prequals has raised questions for me. Would be good to know what is the rule of thumb for a consistent approach!