• First Aid Kit Expiry Dates
    Our first aid kits are checked and restocked every 3 months. The first thing I check is the Saline as it has an expiry date printed on the bottom of the bottle, Exp Sep 20 and also some dressings do have expiry dates eg: Non adherent absorbent dressing from 2017-09 to 2022-08. It pays to check and familiarize yourself with the contents of each kit and what will need replacing.
  • Near Miss Reporting
    Think of the ladder. Mr Jones climbs the ladder, gets halfway up and the steps of the ladder break sending him sliding all the way to the bottom. No injury to himself but the potiental of harm/serious harm was there, and yes it is an oh Sh#t moment.
  • Dodging LTIs
    I have heard of situations where a person has been injured enough to go to ED but there was no LTI as the person waiting to be seen was doing their NZQA unit standards, obviously the person was well enough to read their book work. Yes unfortunately it still goes on and this was a well know, large, company.
  • Auditors training course
    Hi Jeanne I did my through IMPAC and it was awesome the unit standard is 5619