• Janet Mary Houston
    Has anyone had any experience with Golf Clubs in terms on H&S Obligations. I've recently heard first hand about a club where an employee has been injured, there has been no return to work plan, no after care, investigation or corrective actions - in fact they do no contractor management, no anything in terms of health and safety . They appear to think HSWA has no relevance to them and I can't find any evidence where WorkSafe have prosecuted for similar entities. Any thoughts on how to address these places that seem oblivious to their duties ...
  • Jono Johnson
    Since most golf clubs are businesses, surely the golf club is a PCBU then must have the appropriate WSMS in place?
  • Tony Walton
    Here's a link that clarifies this scenario Janet.
    You could also inform the relevant NZ Golf District Association http://www.golf.co.nz/About/DistrictAssociations.aspx
    I'm sure you'll know what to do next.
  • Peter Bateman
    FYI, our prosecutions database reveals there have been two golf-related H&S prosecutions.
    In 2004 the Dept of Labour prosecuted the Paraparaumu Beach Golf Club after an elderly woman fell from an unlit and unfenced path around the clubrooms and broke her hip and leg. The clubrooms had been hired out for the evening.
    And in 2009 the DoL prosecuted JK's World of Golf after public complaints that employees at the driving range were required to go out and collect balls with no protective gear, and were therefore at risk of serious harm from patrons hitting balls.
  • Janet Mary Houston
    Thats really helpful thanks everyone .. this is such a great forum ... we have so many knowledgeable people out there !!
  • Barbara Ford
    Good query and great information links from Tony that are easy to follow. In my experience working with volunteer groups, there are so many variations with how they are structured. One golf club I know is a completely voluntary set up and contract out grounds work. A number have a paid grounds person so a PCBU. Many can be are struggling timewise / financially / skill wise to have a system in place. One I know has since closed but did put the most basic of systems in for little or no cost. Those clubs at governance level did see it as relevant. At national level it is a PCBU. Local voluntary associations can also help and ideally players with the right skill set. Good to see the golf NZ link has a reference to ACC on its report form but that is it. The reality for many small to medium business in any industry is they are unlikely to have a return to work plan until they require it, have a significant injury and/or have contact from ACC. How well do NZ Golf monitor governance of H&S across their Districts?
  • Michael Wilson
    There was a fellow who had a thriving business setting up H&S systems for golf clubs back in the glory days of WSMP. GolfNZ should have some information for you.
  • Helen Smuts-Kennedy
    Bob Parsons of Safety Online, still going strong.
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