Also, most historical lease agreements are silent on H&S, or only have a minimal line to acknowledge the leasee must comply with statues etc. Is this still relevant, or do more modern lease agreements include more rigour around H&S obligations? — Hilary Kearns
OK so what about if, in that multi-tenanted building you have some tenants who are large companies (ie have their own H&S processes) and small Mum & Dad companies (who don't)....
Would you expect the Mum & Dad businesses to be guided by the landlords H&S system? (I'm thinking in the same way as a contractor can be asked to work under the principals OHSM if they don't have one) — Hilary Kearns
I've yet to see good practice around this. Hire their biggest chainsaw and they talk you through starting it but don't ask what you intend to use it for or ask to see your PPE, or what you know about dropping trees — robert p
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