I have read hundreds - possibly thousands - of court decisions and sentencing notes related to health and safety prosecutions. I can report little humour is to be found in their pages, and rightly so given the circumstances.
One of my colleagues has recently unearthed the attached High Court decision from 1993. It has nothing to do with health and safety, but it is guaranteed to bring joy to your day.
Lowe v Auckland City Council HC Auckland AP44-93, 12 May 1993(2M)
Love the idea of cats being allowed to ponce about town unregulated — Craig Marriott
Vital at the present time with the shortage of certain feline fodder caused by the shipping issues following the Ever Givens stranding at Suez, and POA. Angry cats are, as we speak, performing staff appraisals, the results of those deliberations will be found on carpets, the backs, arms and fronts of chairs at a time of their choosing :smile: .