By encourage - we have provided bike sheds and showers so that people feel more comfortable about riding to work. And we take part in the Aotearoa bike challenge month Love to Ride challenge as one activity in the 'Be Active' part of the 5 ways to mental health stress and wellness initiative. So we enable cycling to work, and encourage a healthy and resilient lifestyle.For a start I wouldn't be encouraging people to cycle to work. — Andrew
As i said, this site is only a few blocks away.All sweaty and hair a mess with cycle clips — Andrew
The consequences are greater, but the exposure is very small- likelihood being made up of exposure and chance of the risk happening. There are a lot of higher risks deemed 'as low as reasonable practical'.As from there do the risk assessment. Personally. Id err on metal vs metal rather than metal vs a squishy thing. — Andrew
Sustainability is a project I'm working on, moving from just claiming to be in favour of it to having policies and 'walking the talk'. Watch this space, but there are bigger challenges to close out first.What is the company culture in terms of sustainability? — Jane
Sustainability is a project I'm working on, moving from just claiming to be in favour of it to having policies and 'walking the talk'. Watch this space, but there are bigger challenges to close out first. — Garth Forsberg
On a slight tangent / extension, I was recently asked to look into work methods to undertake environmental monitoring a a large forest area, with an extensive network of cycle trails. They were proposing using motorbikes or quad bikes and were concerned about being hit by mountain bikers! To do the work on foot would take in excess of 40hrs. It could be ridden in less than a day. The motorbike expert assessed the terrain as 'highly challenging requiring an expert level of skill'. The monitoring is being done by mtn bike. The requirements: any monitoring personnel must have undertaken a competency assessment from an SME, their bike must have been inspected / serviced by a suitably skilled person (bike mechanic) and they must keep their wheels on the ground. They love their work day (although I'm sure they'd love to jump a little more ;-). — Matthew Bennett
To be honest - the issue isn't "H&S" wasn't consulted, it is that it seems that their procurement process doesn't include to identify and assess new types of equipment for risk prior to purchase and/or use.employee falls of and fractures wrist, cannot drive a car, and this car usage is his main task. Their HS was not even consulted — Janene Magson
I am guessing that is all vehicle/cycle accidents? Be careful comparing aggregated data as the risks for riding a bike a short distance within the CBD is a completely different from commuting to/from work or long distance rides on open roads.I've looked up the accident rate and it's slightly higher per km for cyclists than drivers, and the likelihood of injury is greater. — Garth Forsberg
If there is an accident while riding a bicycle on company time, would the riders vehicle third party insurance cover damage to any other vehicles or property. — Garth Forsberg
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