• Don Ramsay
    Good morning all,

    Is there a legal requirement to have H&S Meetings every month or can they be done every 2 months, we still hold the monthly team meeting that has an H&S component. And the main H&S meeting would be the section reps and management and an open invitation to all workers to attend.
  • Stephen Small
    Section 29 of the Health and Safety at Work (Worker Engagement, Participation and Representation) Regulations 2016 states:
    A health and safety committee must meet—
    (a) regularly at the times agreed by the members of the committee, but at least once every 3 months; and
    (b) at any other reasonable time on the request of a simple majority of members of the committee.

    Obviously this is the minimum legal requirement, your company may have a Collective Employment Agreement, H&S Committee Charter or similar which states how often over and above the legal minumum.
  • rebecca telfer
    I hold all our H&S Meetings on a bi Monthly basis, works well for us as a company of 270 and 7 sites.
  • Kathy Froy
    Hi Don. We have monthly meetings, but the legal requirement (found in section 29 of the worker engagement regulations) is to meet at least once every 3 months
  • Lee Russell
    ours were held monthly but due to covid and using virtual meetings, attendance declined to virtually zero. i reinstated physical meetings but every 3 months as is the legal requirement. despite covid issues more HSR's are attending than ever before and we have far more to discuss and formulate with the 12 week gap
  • Don Ramsay
    Thanks for that greatly appreciated
  • Ian Clark
    Don, if you are on a site jointly controlled by another PCBU there may have been a stipulated frequency of the HS meetings in the contract for work, this can catch companies out, sometimes and be missed.
  • TracyRichardson
    I hold a joint People and Safety Meeting monthly, monthly staff meeting and operational and senior leadership meetings of which safety is a component of all. Much easier that way
  • Jason Fawcett
    Hi Don - we have an "official" H&S meeting every 3 months with the nominated reps but also have toolbox meetings where almost all the workforce (60 FTE's) attend for an hour every 6-8 weeks. It's a balancing act to get a group that size to enable fair & equal communciation to occur but along with establishing new small working groups to focus on specific projects, it is starting to generate greater numbers of near miss / suggestions for improvement reports as more start to understand how it fits together.
  • Roger Claessens
    Hi Don
    We have 100 staff, 1 main office (80 staff) and 3 satellite offices. We hold one monthly H&S Rep committee meeting for an hour max. For each of the 3 disciplines in our organisation we schedule a monthly toolbox meeting with a small window at the start for H&S related messages, learnings. This has been working well. We just struggle to motivate staff to come forward with near misses and for a while now award the best near miss with two movie tickets. It is still slim pickings, however it might improve.
  • MattD2
    Is there a legal requirement to have H&S Meetings every month or can they be done every 2 months, we still hold the monthly team meeting that has an H&S component.Don Ramsay

    Technically the only legal requirement is to "have practices that provide reasonable opportunities for workers to participate effectively in improving work health and safety" (paraphrasing HSWA S61), and to engage with workers (S58) in the circumstances detailed in S60... but that is the bare minimum compliance. Formal (statutory defined) H&S representatives and H&S committees come from a request from the workers to have these in place (or the organisation electing to establish a committee).

    As others have said the statutory minimium (or maximum?) is 3 months between H&S Committee meetings. However this is usually a case where the better approach is for the processes for worker participation/engagement to be agreed on by all involved, and then run to those agreed terms. So if the workers are happy and agree with the H&S component of the monthly team meetings and the dedicated H&S Meeting every two months there should not be an issue. Best bet is to have a periodic review (e.g. annually) of the process as part of the H&S meeting to re-confirm that the process is working and everyone is still on board.
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