• Tracey I
    I am temping with a company that uses the Securo system, and unless I'm mistaken there doesn't appear to be the ability to block employees from viewing personnel information when a Accident Report is lodged? It also appears that anyone with access can delete previous reports. Am I missing something as I can't see where you have the ability to specify limited access to employees, as opposed to whole system access by an administrator? Does anyone use this system who can help?

  • Don RamsayAccepted Answer
    I use Vault and you can limit access and editing rights..
  • Andrew
    I don't give employees access to the accident reports. I don't see what value this information adds to their lives or helps make us more productive.
  • Alan Black
    Hi Tracey

    Answers to your questions below

    there doesn't appear to be the ability to block employees from viewing personnel information when a Accident Report is lodged?
    This is correct for uncomplete and submitted reports. Once received the Administrator can then choose to delete reports from within the APP administrator if they wish.

    It also appears that anyone with access can delete previous reports.
    Only those who login with the administration account can delete ‘submitted’ Incident Reports. They can still preview them.

    Am I missing something as I can't see where you have the ability to specify limited access to employees, as opposed to whole system access by an administrator?
    There are two levels of account;
    - Administrator: which shouldn’t be provided to general staff.
    - App user: which is one account shared amongst all staff. This only allows access to the App module (https://hms.securo.co.nz/app)

    The Administrator and App user accounts share the same username.
    The password for the App user is set by the Administrator under Settings > APP

    For more information please see the user manuals;
    Full Manual: (Page 19): https://hms.securo.co.nz/usermanual/Securo-Online-H&S-System-User-Manual-V4.0.1.pdf
    App User manual: https://hms.securo.co.nz/usermanual/Securo-App-User-Manual-V3.0.2.pdf
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