• Peter Bateman
    In each edition we pose three questions arising from material in that edition. We print an edited selection of responses in the next edition (no names). FYI, here are the questions from the Sept/Oct edition.

    Q: Wellington City Council’s strategy places staff health and wellbeing at the centre of everything it does. Is this the way forward for organisations wishing to replace a compliance approach to H&S with an approached based on care? Why, or why not?

    Q: WorkSafe NZ has announced the creation of a new role focused on health & safety innovation. How could the regulator make best use of this new role?

    Q: Peta Miller and Rebecca Michalak say that, rather than trying to boost mental 'resilience' in individuals, the primary effort should go into designing psychosocially healthy work environments. Do you agree? Why, or why not?

    If you wish to respond anonymously to any of these you can do so here (and go in the draw for a prize).

    Or of course you can respond in public in this forum!
  • Andrew
    1) I would have thought providing maximum value to ratepayers by focusing solely on core functions would be centre of every thing a council does. (it does know a thing only has one centre?)
    2) isn't an Innovative Government role an oxymoron? Especially from a department founded on a copy/paste of Australian law?
    3) nodded off part way through the question
  • Andrew
    PS Peter - could you use another example other than the Wellington City Council. Who can take a council who spends $22,500 on painted multi-colour zebra crossing lines seriously?
  • Sarah Bond
    Q: Peta Miller and Rebecca Michalak say that, rather than trying to boost mental 'resilience' in individuals, the primary effort should go into designing psychosocially healthy work environments. Do you agree? Why, or why not?

    I agree, at the HASANZ conference Geoff McDonald stated his distaste in regards to ‘reliance’ and it’s almost combative/victim/persecutor themes.

    I heard analogy used by Mark Tapsell form ‘The Zone’ where he told the story of a fishbowl with a bright young fish in a clear water. Silos, ego’s, workarounds, and bureaucracy pollute the water.

    If you ask a five-year-old what to do about it, they will say change the water. Ask the average HR/HSE person what to do and they will say make the fish more resilient. Sadly, putting SCUBA gear on the fish, basting it in anti-toxin gel or telling it to go to another fishbowl isn’t going to solve the problem.

    I like the five-year-old, keep it simple approach and start with a solid working environment and culture rather than deal with formal complaints, personal grievances and cases of unjustified dismissals.
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