Following our latest spill drill, we've been reviewing what PPE we need to keep in our spill kits. Our site uses Chemwatch to manage its hazardous substances database with all the SDSs, but it's been a bit frustrating at times getting information out of it. We're wondering what other options are available.
Hi Kathy. We maintain a central database of SDS's for our clients for the same reason you will have found; keeping on top of SDS expiraries is a difficult task. Once we went to Cloud based systems we quickly realised that it was better that we centrally maintained the details on behalf of our clients.
So you are on the right track there.
Is your problem one of not being able to download an SDS when required? If so, I would strongly recommend that you keep a hard copy on hand, preferably near the chemical location. We have come across a similar situation in the Defence Force where SDS's were only accessed online. Our point then was when a spill or harm event occurs, you don't have time to be clicking keys. I hope this helps.