• Sarah Munro
    Hi all,
    Is any other company having issues receiving their DGC due to their forklift drivers not having LPG handlers training?
    I would have thought this would be included in the forklift training and be sufficient enough for us to receive a DGC?
  • Chris Harris
    Hi Sarah - no I haven't heard of that one before, but we do seem to get problems with various other issues, depending on the Certifier (I'm assuming here that by DGC you mean Location Compliance Certificate).
    Under current Regs, there is no "approved handler" requirement - but everybody must be trained for the substances they handle (refer r4.5 for scope of training). So provided you can show that the driver of the forklift has been trained in handling the LPG, that should be sufficient.
    I'd be interested to know who the Certifier is that you're using, and what specific training they say is required.
  • Darren Cottingham
    You wouldn't usually include detailed refuelling practices in generic forklift training as there are so many variants - petrol, diesel, LPG, electric and hydrogen. You should get the basic best-practices for refuelling in a forklift operator's certificate.
    Also, you don't need an Approved Filler's cert if you're filling LPG less than 110kg
    As Chris said, make sure any person refilling the forklift knows how and where to do it, wears the appropriate PPE, etc.
  • Brian Parker
    At SLTG we have had this item in our audit for the last 3 years. Each year the requirements have become more stringent.
    We do our our forklift training internally and it was easy enough to meet the requirements - and more importantly, to provide the evidence of it.
    External training providers (I used to be one) usually have a brief mention of the correct orientation of the cylinder on the machine, but do not go nearly far enough to cover off the requirements handling the gas
  • Sarah Munro
    Hi Darren, luckily all our guys need to do is exchange the bottles, we pay for our LPG provider to swap out empty bottles.
  • Sarah Munro
    Hi Brian, yes I have been looking into what's needed and what our forklift training providers supply, luckily we have been offered a free Forklift LPG course by our LPG provider which is awesome. Its just frustrating that I now need to go train over 60 operators in 3 different shifts (quickly) in order to get our dangerous goods compliance.
    I was just wondering how many other companies have had/are having this issues as well.
  • MattD2
    issues receiving their DGC due to their forklift drivers not having LPG handlers training?Sarah Munro
    Does your compliance certifier happen to also provide LPG handlers training by chance?
    Sorry being somewhat facetious there, but my understanding is that the new regs narrowed the scope of who required a certified handlers certificate when compared with the old approved handler. And LPG didn't make the cut.
    I would be asking the forklift training to provide details of what they cover regarding handling LPG for forklifts and provide that to your Compliance Certifier as evidence of adequate training as per Part 4 of the regs.

    After all in regards to fires isn't a change out the gas bottle of an LPG truck safer than changing my BBQ bottle as at least if there is a like it is more obvious with liquid LPG shooting out? (Instead of invisible bearly noticable LPG gas).
  • Darren Cottingham
    Forklift training only has to meet the minimum standard outlined in the Approved Code of Practice which is woefully short of specific advice about refuelling. We cover quite a bit more than the ACOP in our training programs (e.g. how to change a gas bottle, what to look out for on startup, how to detect leaks, etc), but we still point out that a forklift driver should follow company SOPs for specific instructions.
  • MattD2
    that was my point on getting the trainers comments, e.g. using you guys seems like there shouldn't be any issue with that approach.
    Or even as you mentioned just have evidence of workers being trained on a internal SOP for changing out bottles.
  • Sarah Munro
    Hi Matt, strangely enough the certifier doesn't offer the training as that was the first thing I thought too - just them trying to get more $ out of us. They suggested an online course provided by OnGas which is a paid course.
    We did supply the certifier the documents that our forklift trainers use in regards to LPG and it just wasn't enough. They didn't cover a bunch of things i.e. substance toxicity and how toxins affect the body (which to be honest I didn't really think a forklift company should do?)
    Our forklift providers said their training courses are approved by Competenz to ensure they teach operators everything that is required. So either we now have to pay for a forklift licence as well as training on handling LPG separately or forklift trainers need to up their game and add more training in about LPG?
  • Darren Cottingham
    I'm happy to have a chat about this on the phone if you want. We have been discussing this internally recently relating to both our online course and our in-class course. Competenz will assess a course against the ACOP, which says:
    The correct refuelling procedure for the forklift, which should include :
    - Special precautions for batteries in regard to naked flames, metal objects, etc.
    - Special precautions with LPG applicable, e.g. change of bottles and change from LPG to petrol, etc.
    - Normal procedures with combustible fuels such as petrol and diesel, smoking, etc.
    - Use of protective equipment.
    - Refilling of LPG cylinders must comply with the requirements of the Dangerous Goods legislation.
  • MattD2
    So either we now have to pay for a forklift licence as well as training on handling LPG separately or forklift trainers need to up their game and add more training in about LPG?Sarah Munro

    The third option is to provide the required information and training in-house and keep records of this. The regs require:
    Information regarding; any operations in the worker’s work area where hazardous substances are present (i.e. lpg on the forklift trucks), and the location and availability of known reference material on the hazards, safe handling, and storage of the hazardous substances found in the workplace, including (without limitation) safety data sheets (i.e. a SOP and the current compliant LPG SDS).

    Training and instruction on:
    • the physico-chemical and health hazards associated with the hazardous substances the worker uses at work (e.g. who LPG could cause them harm either physically through fire, explosion or health effects)
    • the procedures for the safe use, handling, manufacture, storage, and disposal of the hazardous substances(e.g. where to store LPG bottles and how to move them around)
    • practice in the safe use of plant (including personal protective equipment) necessary to manage the hazardous substances (e.g. how to swap out the LPG bottles on the forklifts, including checking for leaks and what safety equipment is needed)
    • the worker’s obligations under these regulations
    • the actions that the worker should take in an emergency involving the hazardous substances
    • an appropriate period of practical experience of the matters described in paragraph (a), under direct supervision in the workplace (for this showing the can safely swap a bottle out, and having a LPG forklift fire as a site emergency drill should suffice)

    And keep a record of training and instruction provided for each worker; which is available for inspection by a WorkSafe inspector or Compliance Certifier.
  • John Easton
    For our LPG Compliance Test certificate (issued Nov 2019) we had to show evidence of annual training of all our forklift drivers in the LPG hazards/risks, handling, PPE, bottle changing, etc to satisfy the Compliance Certifier. We put together an in-house training programme for this that meet the requirements.
  • Sarah Munro
    Looks like its head down bum up for me to get all my guys trained up.
    Little bit frustrating they have to do 2 different trainings to be able to drive an LPG forklift, but it is what it is.
    Luckily our LPG provider has given us online modules and a questionnaire for free.

    I appreciate all your comments and offers guys, so thank you :-)
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