• Jade
    Hey team!

    We have finally been accepted as 'critical' under the critical worker scheme, so will be utilizing the RAT as part of this. However, as we begin to form our process for this, now comes the question of how this is actually recorded and monitored.

    Has anyone seen decent apps or platforms to do this? We are based in the manufacturing industry, and have a mix of abilities when it comes to technology, but overall, the level of digital literacy is fairly low. We don't have the admin staff to chase tests and results up, and also to enter everything manually. We do have tablets and iPads available, and could train staff to use an app - so there is only one thing everyone has to learn and be familiar with, and a range of staff are able to manage this on their own devices. Currently, all staff are separated into pods, so we need to be able to ensure those who are currently doing RAT's are on breaks together (in a different area), while those who are not continue on breaks in their usual area.

    There's a few options I can see online, but they are often tied to the actual test kit itself, or are not suitable for NZ. It might be that there's HR or other similar safety software that can achieve this as well? Just wondering if anyone has found something that they like that works well. :)
  • TracyRichardson

    The RAT results can be recorded via the My Covid Record

    Here is the link

    Test taking in morning
    Screen shots to manager of results

    If result positive
    Stand down of positive
    Get PCR test

    If results negative
    Continue as normal
  • Jade
    Hey thank you for your reply. We are trying to avoid using the My Covid Record if we can, as simply getting evidence of vaccines has proven challenging for quite a few of our staff (we have had to set many staff members logins up for them and arrange their passes) so are hoping to utilize a database that we can have a bit more oversight/management/set up of.
  • TracyRichardson
    That not going to be a easy one. Screenshot via email or text message to manager time and date stamped. Should the staff get a positive RAT is needs to be verified by a PCR.

    Before phase 1 they would receive a call for a positive PCR test, but during phase 2 and 3, confirmation will be received via text which will need to be forward to managers to email to me to keep as reference as they will be time and date stamped in case verification is required for the government subsidies.
  • Jackie A
    Hi Jade, I run www.engagesolutions.co.nz and as part of our software we manage health checks and have integrated forms so it would be easy for your guys to enter the info via our app. Email me - if you'd like to take a look?
  • Jade
    Agreed, we have a particularly challenging environment. Even explaining how to do a screenshot has been beyond a lot of people's abilities. We also realized how many people either don't have an email / have no idea how to use it, or simply have no credit/data to even call or send text messages. Definitely won't be easy to find a one-size fits all solution, that's for sure!
  • TracyRichardson
    Good Luck. I feel your pain :)
  • Jane
    The Vax pass is needed in order to get the RATs to test to go to work, unvaccinated people must stay home if a close contact.

    We are going to have the worker upload the result to the My Covid Record and picture of test to line manager.

    Being able to work while a close contact is a privilege, it means the worker can get their full wage, so should do what is required is part of their obligations to their employer. That said, presumably you know who is likely to have particular challenges, so only a subset need a special workaround?

    Those who are doing RATS when a close contact should be having their breaks alone (in their car?), not with others. There are obligations on the company to be reduce the risks to all by having a close contact on site.
  • MattD2
    We have finally been accepted as 'critical' under the critical worker schemeJade

    Are we talking about the close contact exemption scheme Jade - just because I am curious on the above statement - My understanding is that it is a self-declaration system, if you (genuinely) think your business is a critical service then you sign-up to the MBIE register and then the automated system spits out an email as a record of registration and a unique identifier - there is no official acceptance or approval (except if you are unlucky to have your application spot-checked by MBIE or another agency).

    But it sounds like your experience of signing up is different from the information of what to expect?
  • Jade
    Yes close contact scheme is correct. We were initially declined first attempt to register as a critical service. So, we have had to go back and do it again. Seemingly the process was different this time and we were given acceptance. It is a little mind boggling we were ever declined as without us, 8 DHB's cannot operate safely.

    Now that we are confirmed as being a critical service, we can look at access options for RAT. However, we have staff at 8 different sites (all DHB locations) as well as an onsite location, so for some of them, they will be piggy backing on the process that the DHB they work at has decided on, some offsite staff will need to be sent tests (where the DHB has not confirmed that we can be included), and our onsite staff will have to be a different process again that is managed by us. Certainly makes for a challenging time trying to monitor all of that.
  • MattD2
    The RAT results can be recorded via the My Covid RecordTracyRichardson

    So the relevant Order has been published - comes into force 11:59pm tomorrow night

    Unhelpfully though the requirement to notify the MoH of the result of a test is vague with:
    notify the result of any rapid antigen test taken by the critical worker—
    - to their employer before leaving their place of self-isolation to undertake permitted work or permitted work travel; and
    - to the Ministry of Health in a manner required by a Director-General notice

    This is "clarified" further in the even vaguer requirement in a relevant notice issued by the Director-General of Health
    the person undergoes daily symptom checks by following the instructions as set out on the Ministry of Health website

    And then the MoH website adds the final confusion with different specific requirements in various places that the worker either:
    • "will be able to", or
    • "will need to", or
    • "must"
    ...record their result in My Covid Record (with only that last one including the alternative option to call 0800 222 478 to notify MoH)

    Although the good news is that apart from the requirement to be notified of the result of the test (that is taken before leaving their home) there doesn't appear to be a requirement for the business to keep any record of the results.

    So for those that struggle with technology the best process will likely be:
    • Do your RAT
    • Call your boss and tell them the result
    • Call MoH on 0800 222 478 and tell them the result
    • If negative - go straight to work, do not pass go, do not collect $200
  • MattD2
    ↪MattD2 Yes close contact scheme is correct. We were initially declined first attempt to register as a critical service. So, we have had to go back and do it again. Seemingly the process was different this time and we were given acceptance. It is a little mind boggling we were ever declined as without us, 8 DHB's cannot operate safely.Jade

    Good to know, I'm working with a couple of companies that will likely be registering in the next few days so will watch out. If you got pinged for not meeting the criteria I hope it was just a case of only a few registrations to start with so whoever was spot-checking them got bored and created work for them (and you) to do! :roll:
  • Jade
    If they are a close contact, that impacts their pod. So, we need to ensure if they have been identified as a close contact, that they are not crossing into other pod areas but on their break alone, but will need to separate/group all the people who fall under that category to keep them away from the non-close contacts. Just the rostering for this will be a nightmare I imagine. A lot of our staff do not have a car or do not drive to work themselves, so we had to veto the car idea early on.
  • MattD2
    A lot of our staff do not have a car or do not drive to work themselvesJade
    will they be able to comply with the requirement of the order to "travel by a private means of transport, either alone or with a fellow resident only" (doesn't look like the Director-General has specified any other means they can travel...yet - but that's what you get when legislation is hastily written by those that don't live the reality of a lot of NZ, such as not having their own vehicle).
    And the order is also specific that any close contact needs to have "access to a defined space in which no other persons are present for the purpose of any breaks during which the critical worker is not wearing a face covering." So that wouldn't allow a group of close contacts to take a break in the same space together (unless they stay masked-up) even if are close contacts of the same person
  • Yonny Yeung
    Strangely enough this document Step 3 says the email that we receive after we registered is not an approval.

    No timeframe given to us when we will receive that confirmation either.
  • MattD2
    Step 3 says the email that we receive after we registered is not an approval.Yonny Yeung
    My take was (and this is just my interpretation) that businesses would not get any confirmation of acceptance/approval to use the scheme.
    The only time you would hear from them is if you get spot-checked and subsequently removed.
    Although this isn't the experience some have had, but that may have also been teething issues to begin with.
  • Steffan St Clair-Newman

    We are using the Meridian app that is free to anyone that requests it, just a donation to Kidscan, it is easy to use via sharepoint and recordes all relevant information instantly and accurately, contact John Skudder <> and he maybe able to assist
    email me and I can flick you some screen shots from my phone of what it looks like.
  • Kristal

    We created an internal QR code (MS FORMS) that links to a spreadsheet that is monitored - Free and we have total control of the data coming back through.
  • Don Ramsay
    That is my take on the situation also
  • Yonny Yeung
    While I was requesting the new template for the Close Contact Exemption Letter from Business Connect, I found the "approved" status in my completed applications list at the bottom of the page :smile:
  • MattD2
    So just to note is the original order that detailed the CCES (the Requirement for Close Contacts) was revoked on Friday and replaced with the Self-Isolation Requirements and Permitted Work Order. The few sections in the new order I have had to read for work look comparable to the revoked one (in isolation) but I just don't know what kind of curveball is hidden in there... What is going on though, literally an entire order being rewritten less than a week after it's released!
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