SOPs and Competency Assessments Thanks guys. Very interesting.
Organisations are keen to be able to prove that their people have been trained against the SOPs. The proof is completed written assessments (by individuals, pairs or even groups). It gives them (some) confidence that they know the SOPs. This is a practical response and should satisfy WorkSafe in the event of an incident, as it is in line with the HSWA requirements.
What references would you recommend, particularly along the lines of the training that your organisation undertakes, Stephen? I have the opportunity (in Lockdown) to have a think and design learning that satisfies the PUBC's requirement to follow the SOPs but also to be more creative in exploring, with practical activities, the 'Why".
I am using cards that describe the procedure steps; quiz; scenarios suggested by the learners; case studies from incident reports and media; looking at taking videos of their work out in the field. I do not want the learners writing or having set discussions. Its got to be practical. It will not touch LLN either.
Just interested in short, practical activities that I can incorporate into a competency framework.