
  • Do audits detect those all-important weak signals?
    We have experience ranging back from the ACC WSMP audits to our own case law based reality versions. Yes, the original audits were nothing more than a revenue gathering box ticking exercise that actually provided a false sense of security, particularly when blanket applied across distributed organisations. The acid test is; have the audits reduced our statistics? No.
    For all their failings, WorkSafe Inspectors sometimes provide a better (?) snapshot of performance. We follow a litany of improvement notices where the general outcome is a safer work environment for the client. If WorkSafe could get over their "not here to consult" approach they could provide a not-bad service lol!
    Ben Hutchinson's work can easily be ratified by comparing Case Law (disaster) with the organisations H&S audits. What was the root cause of the disaster? How effective was the audit at detecting the weak signals? Our experience (including a fatality) validates Hutchinsons assertions.
  • Restraint of Building Contents
    Hmmm, and we wonder why H&S suffers from bad PR? We must separate H&S from peoples good ideas (and/or their mandate to manage). I wonder what the figuring behind the management decision is? A history of incident's? A law, regulation or code? Keith's comments are on point; Identify a hazard, the harm and likelihood and consider some workable controls. While I appreciate people thinking through potential hazards and setting good standards, the acid test is "Would you do this if you were paying for it yourself?" I agree with Keith's comments.
    I think there maybe some logical advice provided for your branches on stacking of shelves etc, but don't throw the baby out with the bath water. My world is full of stories like this where zealots run around complicating the world while totally missing the real lethal stuff.
  • Welders and biological monitoring
    Yep, I would go for Suzanne as well.
  • SOP Reviews
    Lots of good suggestions there. Here is some we have used for many years.: Rule 1. Writing a S (Safety)0 OP must fit on one page. Rule 2. The SOP should be written by the potential victim (good culture change agent there!. Rule 3 The SOP should only take 15 minutes to write.

    Sure, this maxim is not going to fit every time but it sure cuts most of the traditional gobbly gook and virtue signaling off, resulting in a concise document that addresses the risks and controls and is relevant to the worker. We have seen teutonic SOP's written by downwardly driven ISO/QA/HS based people that pose a danger of falling asleep!

    The other topic to address is how often a worker should be retrained. Our view is that management must make their own call on this, and for many situations the frequency will move with the workers service, (up to a maximum point). We have 25 years of experience writing SOP's for hundreds of clients. I hope these little pearls help. Good luck.
  • H & S with franchisees
    Hi Donna. We have worked with a well recognised NZ franchise for over 25 years as the providers of the health and safety system which includes similar Cloud based app you discuss. The franchiser has exactly the same issues and successes you discuss and is on the same path, with the same issues. From our viewpoint, we can easily highlight where the gaps are, but nothing seems to beat a bit of shoe leather and constant interaction from the franhisor.The national manager in the hot seat right now is doing just that with good success. I think you have to accept that it is a constant task as these people have so may other distractions in their life. i would be happy to put you in touch with the national manager; just not sure how to start the comms chain here.
  • Working at Height
    I have been asked this same question in one of those awkward confrontational moments with a worker. My answer? How far can you bounce?
  • Asbestos: a state of denial?
    We find amongst the business community, an almost total ignorance of the topic, either from an identification or management perspective. Like most topics, rules are worthless without education.
  • Refresher courses

    Hi Don. Your question is bang on the money. After many years of asking the same question I realised that the assignment of frequencies for training, inductions etc (except where otherwise mandated) is actually up to the PCBU to decide, ON HOW THEY CAN MANAGE IT.
    So rather than mindlessly dictating a whole stack of interactions that then run the danger of failing by not actioning them, give solid consideration of the training, competency assessment and long term reassessment needs. Record your reasoning . At the end of the day you are presenting your management actions to the Courts should something happen.
    There is lots of good discussion in the above replies, but let us use site inductions as a common example. How often should you re-induct your staff? Never? Every 6 months? Every year? Every 2 years? Every 10 years? The practical answer is at some period that does not make a rod for your back, serves the purpose of re-invigorating the workers safety culture, but doesn't bury your head in the sand.

    We suggest practical frequencies to our clients but allow them to adjust to suit their business and record the reasons why. I have never seen a prosecution yet for someone making a management decision, I have seen a few for people failing to manage to the course they have plotted.
  • H&S apps (NZ based)
    I had a demo from a well-known company for a company that I thought would be good fit for another client , but the person doing the presentation knew nothing about safety and didn't know his product, so important the software company actually has people who know their own product. I hear you Shaun. There is a big difference between products that are sales pitches, and companies like ours that have boots on the ground. H&S software written by H&S practitioners, for H&S system management. Happy to engage with anyone wanting to go paperless and IMPROVE their H&s management, or just chat to us at
  • Is the Safe Use of Machinery Best Practice Guidelines 2014 by Work Safe still relevant
    The Best Practice Guide is dated but will still serve your purposes in your situation. The go-to is the AS/NZS 4024 regs but they can be daunting to the newcomer, hence WorkSafe's publication of the BPG in 2014. There was some mutterings about an update but methinks WorkSafe is a little snowed under at present. I was on the BPG working group and now provide training on the implementation as well as auditing. Happy to chat if you need some more help.
  • H&S apps (NZ based)
    Check out HasTrak. Kiwi run and developed. Backed up with executive reporting to help keep you on track. Full access to global document library as well as load your own. Not expensive to run either.