
  • Safety Videos
    I use the Worksafe video as a summary at the end of my induction , short and to the point , highlighting works rights in NZ
  • AS/NZS 2865-2001 vs AS 2865-2009 Definition of a confined space
    Hi Matt have a look in the front of AS2865 -2009 , you will see the attached in the Preface. At the time both Standards NZ & Dept Labour (now worksafe), agreed that this standard would supersede the AS?NZS 2001 standard
    AS 2865-2009 (96K)
  • Incident category ratios
    We work in the construction sector supplying , scaffolding, rigging , engineering services.
    we don't focus on lag indicators , and have been encouraging staff to report positive safety behaviours and near miss reporting.
    This has been growing momentum of the pass few months and year to date our figures are;
    SBO= 669 , NM= 188, and our lag indicators non treatment injuries +15 , 1st aid = 11 , MT=1, LTI = 1
    All incidents are either investigated or reviewed and discussed at our H&s Reps meetings.
    Making it easy for the workers to report and providing feedback is key to helping getting this change.