Forklift Trucks, F Endorsements and Private Property
Unless we want to get into semantics an "OSH Certificate" is something we all know about. Its a certificate issued under a code signed off by OSH. One day Worksafe might like to look at a modern amendment and then perhaps we can call it a WorkSafe

Certificate. Here is an example , from the Code.
Just on the matter of "competency" the certificate is
not a Certificate of Competency. It is a Certificate of training. If we refer to the Code it says "These certificates should not refer to "competence" as this description may be misleading when applied to someone who has, at this stage, received no more than basic training and has yet to progress to specific job training and familiarisation training"
And to those relying on signage to avoid a definition of a "road" good luck with that. I wouldn't want to be defending you.