
  • Worksafe appointment of Daniel Hummerdal
    I agree with Jan, this is exciting and I think someone with Daniel's background and innovation will enable us to move forward in an NZ way. So I will be watching this space, so to speak, with a great deal of interest
  • Immbilising company vehicles whilst moving
    I agree with Brian, this says a lot about the culture of the Organisation and not a lot of it good. It comes down to trust and confidence in ensuring staff use the vehicle for the intended purpose.
  • Contractor Pre qualification /approval systems
    An interesting discussion and I offer the following thoughts.
    The prequel systems I have had exposure to appear over complicated and don't answer the real question, which is, does the contractor have a handle on the risks associated with the task to be performed and how are they going to manage those risks. Obviously the larger the project the larger the detail to be provided. I am not particularly interested in what your policy says, I want to know what you are doing to prevent harm to those working with you and do you understand and manage the risks associated with the task. I would prefer to see a good task safety analysis and risk assessment for the job rather than your safety manual.
    My other opinion is that the Prequal process, whilst based on a laudable idea, seems to be seen as a short cut for some PCBU's to avoid fulfilling their duties in regard to using contractors in their workplaces.
    As I said above these are my personal views.
  • Introduce yourself here!
    Hi Everyone,
    Rob McAulay, previous forum member now one of the Corporate HSW Advisory Team at Auckland Council, great to see the forum up and running again, well done Peter and the team.