
  • "Digital" OHSMIS - Occupational Health & Safety Systems used by companies in NZ?
    Hi Gordon
    We operate Bware-Safety Manager, this is a great integrated product which we use in the wider construction industry, however it is just versatile across retail, manufacturing and other sectors.
    Very cost effective, 'off the shelf' product that provides significant customisation to your need.
    The added value is easy access to customer support and advice as it is a NZ based/designed system
  • H&S Management Software Query

    Likewise Rachael and Stuart, EnableHR was another we trialed and subsequently settled on Bware. Very cool ability to pull together the SSSP + mobility, client notifications etc especially helpful in the construction sector.
  • Signing For Attendance At Toolbox Meetings

    Agreed Peter (and Drew), I would like to think practitioners are progressing with more of the Safety 2 ethos of making the HSW space more dynamic rather than bureaucratic.
    Getting our people being the centre of the solution, rather them sitting on the periphery looking in or being talked at....