
  • EWP use by contractors
    Hello Jan

    I make a point of obtaining evidence of training and licences before engaging contractors.
    I recently had a similar situation to yours when trying to get a warehouse roof fixed. I choose not to engage the first three contractors I contacted because they either did not have up-to-date training or they had the training but were unwilling to work with me on a risk assessment. Contractor #4 had experience, was prepared to do a risk assessment and agree to a safe work plan as well as refresh his training prior to doing the job!

    In terms of EWP training, the NZQA outline recommends refreshers every three years with US23966 "Describe types of elevated work platforms" being a prerequisite for specific work platform training (US23960 for scissor lift and US23962 for self-propelled boom lift).

    In addition, self-propelled boom lifts require the use of a safety harness which is covered by US23229 "Use a Safety Harness". This is because boom-lifts can catapult people out.

    I found the website very informative. This organisation aims "to promote and support best and safe practices in the use and maintenance of Elevating Work Platforms".

    I agree with Carolyn; by ensuring the contractors have training, the risk to your business is reduced. And yes, anyone telling me that they've been doing this job for 20 years etc is of concern and refresher training can help address any complacency.

    All the best
  • Signing For Attendance At Toolbox Meetings
    When I managed a team and had monthly toolbox talks (this was in a shift-work hospitality environment), the staff signatures on the toolbox helped me on a practical level to keep track of who had received the message - it allowed me to follow up later with those who were absent to ensure the whole team got the message.

    I personally find that when asking workers to sign a piece of paper, this helps to convey the importance of what has been discussed and displays commitment to what has been agreed to.

    While on the topic of paperwork... I have worked for organisations which hold both digital and hard-copies of all training records. Is there any benefit to keeping a hard-copy in this day and age?
  • Forklift Trucks, F Endorsements and Private Property
    Our OSH course training provider told me last year that there are plans afoot to forge a happy merger between F endorsements and OSH certificates. Not sure what shape or form that would take or when it will happen.

    I agree with SafetyLawyerNZ in that F endorsements are a necessary prerequisite, remembering also that only full Class 1 licence holders can obtain an F endorsement.
  • E-scooters: am I right to be worried?
    I need to concur - this is a valid concern. Footpaths need to be preserved as safe places for people of all ages and abilities to WALK. A have personally had some frightening experiences with scooters on walkways coming toward me at speed and without any care or courtesy.
  • Forklift Safety Lights
    Thanks Darren for highlighting that these lights are not suitable to be used on roads. I would like to share a link with you to show the types of safety lights I am looking into. This link is not intended as an endorsement but to clarify that these lights shine on the ground and mark-out a zone around the forklift as opposed to signalling and flashing lights fitted to the rooftop. Check out Regards Michelle
  • What should we use this Forum for?
    Thanks Phil, as someone working sole-charge in my first dedicated H&S role, I do appreciate this forum as a place where I can openly ask questions of more experience H&S professionals.
  • Breastfeeding mothers
    Yes definitely - all expectant and breast-feeding mothers require an individual risk assessment. The reason this is needed for breast-feeding mothers is because workplace exposure to chemicals can be transferred via breast milk.
  • Introduce yourself here!
    Hello folks, my name is Michelle Dykstra. I work for MLC Group Ltd in the timber re-manufacturing industry. I am particularly interested in practical ways to engage workers and make H&S simple and effective. I look forward to online discussions and I am open to being contacted by others working in timber manufacturing who no doubt are managing many of the same risks as we are.