
  • Noise Test inside moving plant cabs
    Hi Michael
    yes we use dosimeters to take inhouse sample measurements inside our mobile plant, focusing on older plant first to see if we have any issues - cabs requiring additional baffles, maintenance etc.

    The print outs are shared with the operators and noise levels have been well below 85 db.
    Useful exercise to undertake.

    In the past we have also used the relatively cheap clip on dosemeter to see if we could identify an issue for one of our operators when his health monitoring identified a decrease in hearing from the previous year, it lit up red when 85db was exceeded and he monitored it and reported back. Turned out his radio was the issue, he had preferred to turned it up until then. It was a good learning for everyone.

    Also would hand over to an occupational hygienist for more indepth monitoring if issues are identified that additional investigation, insulation modifications or maintenance did not resolve.
  • Incident Reporting Procedure
    Hi Chrissy, we use the app. Cheers Denise
  • Incident Reporting Procedure
    Hi Catherine
    In our system it is treated as an "Opportunity for Improvement" so covers safety, environment and quality. It may be an initial report prior to an investigation or it may simply be a headsup that a hazard has been identified and dealt to or a nearmiss occurred, to share the information with the rest of the team. Each Manager is responsible to followup to ensure appropriate immediate actions have been taken to avoid a recurrence or whether other resources are required to assist.

    Agree with LouiseB no magic cure-all - it needs to be about encouraging people to share their knowledge, using their expertise to assist with finding solutions, taking care of others and providing feedback so they can see the positive changes happening. It also helps when they understand that by reporting, trends can be identified and even minor things that may be happening often can be monitored and tracked to assist to find solutions. CEO support with the message is really important and should not be underestimated.

    We use an app on Smartphones which has assisted with increasing the reporting with those who don't like filling out forms but in saying that were also having good results with paper copies as they would at least verbally report to their Manager who would assist to fill the form out but now we are getting the pictures too and as they say a photo can save a lot of words. Good luck with the journey....

    PS forgot to add in the early days we placed all the names of people who reported an incident into a hat each month, drew a name out and they won a voucher. Some would have reported anyway but It gave some an incentive and reason to make the effort and we improved the hazard and nearmiss reporting.
  • TRIFR etc
    When benchmarking lagging indicators we use the 200,000 rate as it is the closest measure to manhours for our organisation per year. If we applied the 1 million per year we would be suggesting that if our workforce worked 5x the manhours it would be expected to have 5x the injuries. Manhours are only one risk factor and a planned increase in manhours (with controls in place) does not automatically increase injury rates. For internal reporting we focus more on the leading indicators.