
  • Elf on the Shelf
    I'm living for workplace elf on a shelf. Thanks for the idea Michael! I've taken a slightly different approach. Our workplace is relatively small, but very diverse, so elf has been visiting each area taking a picture of participating in a different activity, then uploading it with a short elf poem. Its been well received and has become a 'day in the life of' storytelling adventure of working here. This week elf has been really good attending inductions and training, but next week elf will get drunk, cut a limb off, and have a drug test. :)
  • Availability of good candidates to fill H&S roles
    I'm a Kiwi who spent time living in Australia and that's where I did all my H&S training and experience. From my highest paid job in Oz to the one I took when coming back to NZ I took a pay cut of $52k. But in saying that, I was more than happy to take that pay cut. I worked primarily on large scale infrastructure projects in Oz and it was a brutal and toxic experience and I wanted out! Now, the most rewarding, enjoyable, and supportive H&S job I’ve ever had is the one I currently hold here in NZ.

    In saying that I do agree with the others on the general perception of H&S in NZ. I regularly introduce myself as the Cultural and Wellbeing Influencer and people love it! Much better than the collective sigh you get when you say ‘I work in health and safety’.