
  • Health and Safety Representatives - Career Pathway
    Hi @Janet Mary Houston if you are in (or close to) one of the "major" NZ cities, e.g. Auckland / Wellington / Christchurch / and now Tauranga, you should check out the Emerging Safety Leaders Networks which is a new initiative set up by NZISM -
    Your keen H&S reps are actually one of the target groups for the ESL, who's goals include supporting more people to develop a career in the H&S profession.
    The network is new (Auckland, Christchurch and Wellington have recently held their first get togethers, with Tauranga's coming very soon) - if you (or your team) are interested it would be good to get them to complete the current ESL Survey which will help us focus on what best meet the needs of those that come along -
    Cheers and if you have any questions feel free to message me.