
  • Welcome back!

    We are already approaching 70 members, which is great for Day One!

    As a member you can edit your profile (select You/Edit profile) and insert a photo of yourself, or 'Set Preferences' to control when you are notified via email of action on the forum.

    You can also mention other members and they will be notified (unless they have turned off this function in their Preferences). Just select the @ symbol as displayed in the options line and then select the member's name. It works, doesn't it @Chris Hewitt ?

    You can also like a post, and use #hashtags to start themes and link them across multiple posts.

    It'll be exciting to see how members use the functionality available!

Welcome to the Safeguard forum!

If you are interested in workplace health & safety in New Zealand, then this is the discussion forum for you.