• Health and Safety Management Software
    So many options! From starting in safety these are systems that I've used. (Doesn't include systems i've had demo'd to me)
    * Mango
    * Vault
    * Risk Manager
    * ecoPortal
    * Assura
    * KaiNexus

    - All have issues. I rate Risk Manager (although it was a custom-built version I used). All I could recommend is contacting companies who you like the look of their pitch and get a demo and costs. Many safety systems software companies are vying for clients in this space, you may even find a newbie that might give you custom at good rate.
  • Driver Safe Zones / Site Traffic Management / LUEZ - Lip Service (WAI) or Real Deal Control (WAD)
    HI Gail, thank you for your reply. I have sent you a message to connect in Linkden
  • Vehicle Overspeeds - Tracked Vehicles
    A collective look at overspeed's as a driver workforce, not singling out drivers in particular was shared weekly over 2 years' worth of time. (This has fallen off radar now, although used as a tool when overspeed's were appearing norm). This approach, collective address and visual sharing of all data transparent across team dramatically improved over speeds. In a Safety 2 mindset, (and my current org.) letters of expectation are rare if at all. Give people the freedom to do the right thing because they want to, because they are trusted to. It would have to be some extreme purposeful violation of an overspeed to have anywhere near a letter of expectation as a tool to get overspeed's under control IMO, although that's all the org. stuff of culture and what not if that could be the right approach for your org.
  • Vaping and Smoking Areas at Workplaces
    Considering hospitals, prisons and other government places are smoke free, I don't think there is anything that says a buisness would have to have a smoking / vaping area. We keep ours ( a covered shed) rather than go to a smoke free site (which many people want) to minimize staff taking sneaky smokes and risking fires. If staff need to go off site to smoke they are more likely to just hide at the back of factory and smoke anyway. Addiction is real.
  • Worker Engagement Partipation and Representation
    Hi Robyn,

    Here is Schedule 2 WEPR Below (if it helps... ). When I was in the fishing industry we had Union negotiated HSR ratios (numbers were less than HSWA required number), people just didn't want to be Reps.

    Also, I held elections, attempted to form committees and had Union delegates and team members sign docx. saying they were happy with arrangements and didn't want an HSR in there areas or wanted to participate in Committee (we did have a committee though, but not all departments represented). Annual we would ask again and periodically go around reminding teams that they were welcome to form a committee or add HSRs if / when they wanted to.

    I don't know if that kind of docx. signing had any weight, but like you we were also able to give loads of participation information. The company I worked for is ACC AEP Tertiary with no issues around auditing the participation and engagement piece.

    I recall there was an amendment around HSRs and Committees recently, I missed it though, maybe your auditor is right on top of those changes and knows more about the latest (?)

    Schedule 2
    High-risk sectors or industries
    r 5

    ANZSIC classification code High-risk sectors or industries
    A02 Aquaculture
    A03 Forestry and logging
    A04 Fishing, hunting, and trapping
    B06 Coal mining
    C11 Food product manufacturing
    D28 Water supply, sewerage, and drainage services
    D29 Waste collection, treatment, and disposal services
    E30 Building construction
    E31 Heavy and civil engineering construction
    E32 Construction services
  • Inductions - Refreshing inductions - Contractors
    Thanks for sharing this booklet, very helpful
  • HS Reps - Allowance / Payment for services
    Only worked in one organisation that had HSR allowance, $10 / week
  • Safety Conversations

    Hi Sandra

    Attached docx. we used for engaging in better Safety Conversations

    We have Weekly Shared Learning across our buisness 1x Week H&S, 1X Week Enviro 1x Week Quality rotating continuously, attached are docx. use for the Weekly topic of Safety Conversations

    We also have a question banks and topic prompts when first launched although have gotten away from that after 2 years. The tool is not for compliance although is measured, we use the H&S reporting platform as a place for recording safety convo's, it does have a statistical element in it, as ELT follows how many are recorded.

    Although, the main purpose of having the convo in platform is it's able to be seen across the business in Daily Management Systems Meetings, so if it's relevant info for others they can keep sharing through each department
    Shared Learning - Health and Safety April 22 (567K)
    CEO-HS-conversations-2015 (1M)
  • Prescription medicinal cannabis
    Interesting discussion, have been through similar experience. No definitive answer. Gathered expert medical and legal advice, still no definitive course of action.
  • Have you cut back the documentation forest?
    I experienced a manager who just decided to not do anymore paper work, he just didn't do it. No reviews, no writing new documents and dumped 3 years worth of paper into the bin, all this 'proof' stuff straight to docx destruction. He assumed if we really wanted it and it was important it would have an electronic stamp somewhere. If I were the manager I would have freaked out and never done anything like that. I was part of the team 'documentation is King' brigade. Now i'm really grateful for the having been through the experience and don't freak out at all in lack of safety paperwork, or reducing further So how we reduced paperwork - Just stopped, just cold stopped. No approval, no talking about it, just stopped. There are a few core docx. we astutely maintain, and have been able to prove systems and processes for a couple of different audit types so far and can still satisfy the senior leadership of where we are in control and where needs work with about 25% of the former safety paper load.