• Venessa
    Like many others in the Horticultural Industry, we have struggled with the shortage of New Zealand workers. We currently have SSE workers who are usually given visas for 3 months. Some workers use their own transportation to get to work and in a few instances the company has supplied a vehicle for those who have 3 or more living together.

    The company supplies vans to take the workers to the fields and back. The vans carry 8 individuals including the driver. My concern is the safety of the passengers and drivers, as the drivers are SSE workers with limited to no driving experience in New Zealand. I'm currently working on a company vehicle policy and acknowledgement document. I've included 'driving in New Zealand' in the induction and would like to have a driving assessment or training plan. As they're only with us for 3 months and language can be a barrier, it has to be cost effective and bilingual. Is anyone else in a similar position and if so what measures/systems have been put into place for the drivers and the safety of the passengers? I'd appreciate any advice.
  • ScottyE
    At a previous employer we had overseas students visiting and working for 6-12 months, this often required them to drive so we would arrange for a driving instructor to take them for a drive and give them feedback.
    It also gave the company some confidence that they were comfortable on NZ roads (and with NZ drivers), before they went out on their own.
    Maybe talk to some of your local driving instructors about what options are available?
  • KeithH
    NZTA has information regarding these situations:

    Driving using a valid overseas licence
    Driving a small passenger vehicle

    Discussing changes with workers and coming to mutual (and often realistic) agreement is different to hearing and then imposing.
  • Jim Petersen
    Thanks to @KeithH for sharing those links.

    There are several expert solution providers in new Zealand.

    We at Fleetcoach and others provide research-backed, self-paced learning for workplace drivers that is proven effective to help staff develop the best possible safe driving skills.

    For people to engage deeply and rapidly improve the activities need to be fun without unnecessary pressure to pass or fail - just improve. Doing these kinds activities helps people rewire their cognitive skills to drive more safely.

    I encourage others to share tools that worked well in your work environments.
  • Darren Cottingham
    The main issues are:
    They won't know the road rules - they can do free road rules quizzes at www.drivingtests.co.nz . There are translations on there, too.
    They won't be aware of driving culture in NZ - you can explain that we are generally rule-followers here.
    They probably won't know about driving in difficult conditions, or driver health and safety - there are courses here https://www.drivingtests.co.nz/courses/car-drivers
  • Venessa
    Thank you for all the information. All are valid and it gives me something to work with.
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