Professionally speaking, where have we come from and where are we going?
I ask this question with New Zealand OHS professionals in mind but it can just as easily apply to others who work in the broad church of risk management.
Felicity Lamm, Greg Dearsly, Helen Parkes and I collaborated in writing an article "The evolution of OHS as a profession in NZ" that traces OHS from the 1880s to now. We made some suggestions about "where to from here?".
What do you think?
If you want to read the article it can be downloaded free until 4 September from Safety Science at
Good clarity depth and breath in the article,however I found towards the later part of this report 2010 - very relevant for where I need to be.
Digesting some points over time and drawing conclusions a goal.
Appreciate the time and research of those who contributed to this article well done!