About Dr Becs

About (eg: job title and organisation) Dr Rebecca Michalak is dynamic speaker, published author and no-nonsense HR strategist with special interests in corporate governance, ‘people’ risk, psychosocial hazards, and worker performance. A dedicated change agent with a reputation for tackling complex issues head-on, Rebecca has been a presenter, expert panellist, facilitator and trainer for several years, with audiences ranging from international to domestic, Executive to front-line, and from several hundred through to closed client boardroom sessions. With over 15 years’ experience in senior management, consulting, and SHRM roles in the private, NFP, and public sectors, her perspective on managing workforces for strategic competitive advantage is knowledge-worker centric and underpinned by social sustainability principles.
Location (eg: town or city) Australia
Website www.psychsafeconulting.com.au
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