• Contractor Pre Qual
    I note that the header in the Totika says "Cross-recognition for Health and Safety pre-qualification in the NZ construction industry "

    So I refer back to a question earlier "So will it apply to all industries? and would our customers need to be a part of it"

    Reading the statement on the website it would appear that it only applies to the construction industry which only makes up 20% of our business so the numbers would not stack up. I would be better doing the multiple prequals as the cost is less than the cost of accreditation to Totika.
  • Contractor Pre Qual
    Just as a question, what if they choose not to join we would still be doing multiple prequals, and if that is the case nothing has been gained for those of us that currently do 4 or more each year
  • Contractor Pre Qual

    So will it apply to all industries? and would our customers need to be a part of it
  • Contractor Pre Qual
    So here is another prequal
  • Prequal yet again
    Just want to put it out there how many individual prequals are you expected to de each year??

    As site-wise is just one of many

    I counted mine up and it is 4 individual prequals all asking the same questions
  • Privacy
    I have found that there are some clauses that allow a bit of movement and I also give my contact details if they want to discuss. I assisted with a large quote the other day and the H&S only had a 10% weighting of the overall assessment of our quote, so I take they only got basic information.

    I do however keep a summary and update it each week with all the LTI/MTI and Worksafe information, just broad-brush information no real detail. And I have found that this covers most of the questions.

    I actively avoid sending detailed information as I do believe that they do not read it they just see that it is there and move on to the next part of the quote.
  • Privacy
    I only provide details when a job is starting and only to the site that requires the information, Our workers also carry the green book with quals inside and that tends to get us through. At the initial stages, I only provide that we hold the quals required for the job I even withhold names for D&A tests and just provide a declaration of the tests being done. I am not hiding anything just only providing the information required only to the parties that need it and not all an sundry
  • Changes to who can conduct workplace investigations
    And the judgment was made by the Private Security Personnel Licensing Authority
  • Changes to who can conduct workplace investigations
    Having read the article it is HR related and refers to investigations of employee conduct so I would think that an accident investigation would be outside this parameter, so any incident or accident investigation would not require the person to licenced, and if you read theJustice report it puts it all in context.
  • Changes to who can conduct workplace investigations
    External HR consultants or Health and Safety workplace investigators who do not hold the requisite licence and are not practicing lawyers will not be able to conduct workplace investigations and may be found to be in breach of the Act. Employers may continue to conduct their own internal investigations and law firms and individual lawyers with practicing certificates are exempt from the requirement to hold a PI licence and may continue to conduct workplace investigations.

    I would read from the context that if you are not a direct employee for the PCBU, you must hold the license, so if you are an H&S consultant you would require to hold the licence.

    Just a thought........
  • Heavy machinery competency assessment
    In a previous job, we completed vehicle-specific competency assessments every year, which was very time-consuming and I believe it came from someone at Worksafe telling the company that they needed to show competency every year, and this was the companies way of ticking that box.
  • Insecure load = fall from height
    Having been involved in an incident that occurred in a yard but due to the legal determination was classed as a road, Worksafe was not interested but the police did pursue a prosecution of the driver. So it is the location of the incident that is foremost when it comes to transport-related events so possibly it would be a case of a chain of responsibility issue so the security of the load would be in question??
  • Insecure load = fall from height
    Would it not be considered an insecure load so come under the land transport act, so would not be reportable to worksafe
  • What Will White Island Mean For Your Business
    Why are they laying charges against GNS as they are an advisor service and cannot ban people from any activity?? They had raised the alert level and advised the affected parties who then made decisions based on that information.
  • HSR Training
    Dianne has nailed it, the training is legislated and there is an entitlement to allow each HSR 2 days training per year, below is an extract from the worksafe site.

    "HSWA requires the PCBU to allow each HSR up to two days' paid leave a year to attend health and safety training.

    The total number of days' paid leave that a PCBU is required to allow for health and safety training is capped by HSWA. It is based on the number of workers in the business at a specified date in the year".
  • Welder Quals
    Hi Matt,

    There is software for the AS/NZ market but it is not part of the promotions, but is available locally, a spreadsheet does not work as the parameters are to varied in that a person can qualify for a position but not have it directly recorded, but by default they can weld that position, Weldeye does the summary calculations and takes that in to account. I will try MESNZ
  • Welder Quals
    The basic info I can hold in VAULT but it is not just the qualifiaction as such, it is the detail as to what position they qualify for and materials and when the prolonged assessments take place, also would need to include the WPS and QPR documents as these need to cross-reference to the welders certification. Still open to ideas......
  • How does pay in H&S compare?
    Not sure about the 104k, generally I have found most are at the 87k mark
  • Position Paper on Cannabis
    Should be interesting to see where the number settle
  • WorkSafe new ads?
    My kids saw the ad and commented it was confusing and commented on the clipboard as a distraction from the main message