Risk Assessment Matrix In blue to the left of this risk assessment matrix the word moderate has been used to describe the severity of the injury/illness.
Does the word moderate mean the same as in seen in orange?
In a nut shell no, the blue Moderate is solely linked to the hazard (e.g. fall from height) whilst the orange Moderate is the combination of both severity of injury and likelihood of it occurring, or the Risk Rating, which could have been better worded as being medium rather than moderate maybe.
There are other risk Matrix out there, some with number ratings or some with just colours, but they are all reliant on you knowing what the companies appetite for risk is. Here's an example of what may be the approach if the hierarchy of control has already been applied and no further controls are available (residual Risk)
Critical - Job does not get carried out.
High - Work only carried out under permit conditions, high level sign off required.
Moderate - Only carried out by trained/competent individuals, checks carried out regularly, no lone working
Low - Carried out by basic trained individual or under supervision, lesser frequency checks, can be carried out alone
Very Low - No specialist training/supervision needed