• Contractor Management - The Thin Paper Wall
    In other organisations I've worked, in NZ & overseas, the Contractor H&S Assessment was a procurement function and carried out as part of the contractor engagement internal process. Once the contract was in place the H&S performance was handed over to the contract manager. As H&S team we assisted with the performance audit & report. We didn't use Pre-Qual providers.
  • Covid vaccination - can it be required on H&S grounds?
    Work which increases the exposure to the virus (e.g. Covid testing labs, MIQ facilities) requires controls to manage the risk of infections of workers during workMattD2

    I agree with Matt, it's a risk based approach. The Border Order requires border workers to be vaccinated and undergo regular health testing (swabbing). Healthcare workers who are at risk of exposure such as MIQ or Community testing stations or Emergency Departments are required to be vaccinated and undergo regular health monitoring as part of their employers terms of employment & Health & Safety risk controls.

    Replace virus / COVID-19 with a different Biological Hazardous Substance, what controls & health monitoring would be reasonable? And would there be such a clamour of debate?
  • Face mask irritation and skin issues
    Hi Ian

    It sounds like an allergy to latex or other material in the surgical masks. Interesting to know why the instruction is to use a surgical mask rather than cloth? Surgical ones are nothing special just 2 layers of fabric. The medical 'duckbill' mask has a round the mouth & nose fit and requires a fit test (in healthcare ). At least cloth masks can be washed regularly unlike the disposable ones. The MoH guidance is when a mask becomes soiled or wet it should be replaced. There are latex free medical masks, but not sure how widely available they are, you'd need to find a medical PPE supplier - I think there's one in Wanganui.

    Hope this helps
  • Indemnity insurance for Health & Safety professionals
    Hi John

    I used Dual for my Indemnity & Liability Insurance when I was contracting, they were recommended by my Insurance Broker.

  • Impairment vs Risk vs What Should an Employer 'Reasonably' Know...?
    But in this case we know for sure that Bob is getting less than 3 hours of sleep a night, so it is highly likely that fatigue is likely to be impacting on his work environment. As a responsible PCBU we.have to address the risks we know about.Rachael

    Hi Rachael, what you know for sure is that the vehicle is out at 3am. Does Bob go to bed early because he gets up early to go to the gym? Does Bob's wife/partner go out at 3am? Does one of the kids take the car?
    You could ask Bob if he knows that his car is being used at 3am and go from there.
  • Bowtie Tool(s)
    Hi Matthew

    I've used http://www.bowtiexp.com/ before, it was user friendly. The only downside is if you have a large bowtie to print off, it can take up a lot of paper unless you have access to an A1 plotter printer.

  • What is "good" when it comes to GPS tracking of speed?

    I think you answered your own question "We measure a speeding incident as one over 10% above the speed limit for more than 30 seconds"

    Wouldn't a safety conversation be better than individual performance discussion? Do you have a Making Fair & Just Decisions matrix?
  • H&S Management systems
    Hi Ian

    I'd recommend BWARE reasonable pricing, PC & mobile access. I found it easy to use, staff liked it, and customer support was good.

  • Safety Observation Cards
    Thank you Tony, much appreciated.
  • H&S training for Managers
    Hi Sandra
    SafetynAction have a couple of courses that might be of interest.
    SafetynAction Courses
  • Contractor Pre Qual
    It all depends on what the customer requires. At the moment Safe365 are the only certified Totika Scheme provider but more to be added to the list.
  • Contractor Pre Qual
    Hi Don, CHASNZ have adopted it, I understand there is more to be announced later this month. As I mentioned before, Totika is based on PAS91 (Publicly Available Specification). PAS91 Download
  • Contractor Pre Qual
    Hi Averil
    CHASNZ has introduced the Totika Prequalification Scheme https://www.chasnz.org/totika, this scheme is the first in New Zealand to PAS91 Standard, which is also recognised by the Government. I'm working on Contractor Management at the moment, and in the Health industry we're looking at Totika for all DHB's. PAS91 is available to download and has the standard questions plus appendices if required.
  • WorkSafe new ads?
    I have to say that I liked the ad when it aired on TV, and seeing the comments I feel a little sorry for WorkSafe. It seems like they're damned if they do & damned if they don't.

    As Health & Safety professionals we've all got our part to play in supporting our employers & colleagues. We're quick to complain about the campaign without offering solutions.

    “It’s embedded in Kiwi culture to have one another’s backs and we wanted to reflect this in our campaign. We want to empower workplaces to address health and safety concerns and celebrate those in the workplace who sense it, and stop it.”
    In the last five years, WorkSafe has recorded 363 workplace deaths and more than 120,000 workplace injuries resulting in a week away from work.Mr Parkes said as a regulator, WorkSafe would always have a role to play in workplace health and safety.
    “But it is clear that we can’t do this alone. This mammoth task, of reducing our workplace harm needs to be shared by all New Zealanders. We all have a role to play.”

    363 workplace deaths over 5 years averages out at 6 a month, and an average of 2000 workplace injuries requiring a week off work occurring on a weekly basis. Fair play to WorkSafe for trying something new, I'm supporting it and using it as an icebreaker conversation.
  • Journey Management Plan or JSEA
    That was my response. The director insisted we needed it because he had it in previous companies. I've explained we have a Fatigue Policy & Fatigue Management standard, but to no avail.
  • Workplace Exposure Limits - Worksafe Review
    I noted that welding fume was not on the list which was disappointing given the HSE (UK) bulletin issued earlier this year.
  • Charging PCBU 2 for induction into PCBU 1 site
    Thanks Andrew :up: . Unfortunately I hit post comment instead of preview post, but that was my line of thinking. For me it makes it quite clear that they cannot charge for inductions.
  • Charging PCBU 2 for induction into PCBU 1 site
    For me the following makes it quite clear that a PCBU is not legally allowed to charge for inductions;
    HASAW Act 2015
    [PCBU must not levy workers
    A PCBU must not impose a levy or charge on a worker (or permit a levy or charge to be imposed on a worker) for anything done, or provided, in relation to health & safety.
  • s44 Prosecutions
    Did those prosecutions include S9 of the General Risk & Workplace Regs which does set out the level of fines?
  • Expiry Dates on Training
    The General Risk & Workplace Management Regulations 2016 puts a Duty on a PCBU to provide information, supervision, training & instruction. From a competency assurance perspective, training refreshers at regular intervals are a good way to demonstrate that you are keeping your people up to date with the knowledge they require to implement the right hazard management practices as something may have changed since they last attended training.