• KeithH
    I've been working on a method of rating and prioritizing hazards taking into account hazard magnitude, business vulnerability, controls implemented, impact outcomes, probability of occurrence, speed an event occurs, response time and business recovery duration so that planning can be conducted and resources allocated in a timely manner.

    Outputs are aimed at middle to top management as a method to objectively quantify risks. A yet to be established outcome is using the method as a benchmark for a business to measure the success or otherwise of H&S inputs.

    The criteria is:
    Business Vulnerability
    Measures taken to prevent, avoid or reduce the susceptibility of a business to a risk event in terms of criteria related to preparedness, agility, and adaptability

    Controls Implemented
    Methods and actions taken to eliminate or minimise exposure to hazards as far as reasonably practical

    Impact Outcome(s)
    The extent that risk events can affect the business including financial, reputational, regulatory, health, safety, security, environmental, employee, customer, and operational impacts or a combination of these

    Probability of Occurrence
    The possibility that a given event will occur and can be expressed using qualitative terms (frequent, likely, possible, unlikely, rare), as a percent probability, or as a frequency

    Speed an Event Occurs
    The time that elapses between the initial loss of control and the point at which the effect impact(s) are felt

    Response Time
    The time taken to react from when the event impact(s) are felt and begin the recovery phase

    Recovery Phase
    The time to remediate a risk and recover from the impact outcome(s)

    The next step is moving from theory to practical so improvements can be made. I would like to work with three or four businesses and as I'm in Christchurch, local businesses would suit. Industry is not important. I'm looking for 3/4 small to medium/large enterprises. PM me if interested.

    The table and criteria are attached
    HECAP table (488K)
    Hazard Evaluation Criteria (901K)
  • Steve H
    A couple of tweaks I would suggest Keith, Electricity has the worst consequence as being serious injury, surly that should be death. Likewise power tool use, if it goes totally wrong when using an angle grinder, death can be the consequence (there have been several cases in New Zealand).

    I think you may have Fire under weighted also, on average there is a fire a week on business premises, and while for the most part they don't kill people directly, they frequently spell the end of the business concerned.
  • KeithH

    I missed mentioning this table is dynamic rather than static like a standard (heatmap) risk matrix so that may have created confusion. All the values from vulnerability through to recovery for each hazard or risk are interconnected, related to each other and can be changed. Also, this is designed for where to prioritise resources and effort

    I agree with your comments and feel they would apply if this was a static table.
    In hindsight, I probably had too much information in the table so have changed it.
    I've added the criteria behind the numerical values.
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