ACC and Changed Diagnosis If the claim is accepted all claim costs, including earnings compo get put against your employer account experience rating. Depends on how big your company is and how big an issue it is.
In principle I say to staff expect me to challenge an ACC claim if I don't see the incident in the Accident Book. Gives them a wee incentive to report stuff.
I have no time for malingerers who try to fob off their non-work claims onto the employer. So I will challenge any claim I dont think belongs on my account. Mainly because I like to have a clean a record as possible. So if Worksafe or Immigration or whoever comes a knocking they don't get the idea we are a reckless employer. Consequently I pretty much always only have to deal with genuine work claims. Though I am about to cast an eye over a carpal tunnel claim just lodged by an employee who left 8 months ago.
The Experience Rating part doesn't actually bother me. The impact isn't enough of an incentive to get me excited.
I also don't work on "assumptions" - a doctors view is key.
Also there is a difference between pain and an injury.