My Mum is a hearing and visual technician for young children and is an assessor for technicians in training. While it's obviously not occupational health, she may have an answer to your question, or at least be able to provide some guidance.
Let me know if you're interested and I can find out more.
A search using the term "audiometric technicians training NZ" tells me, there isn't any training offered in NZ, nearest choices are Aussie, you'll find some info here
If you want to become a full blown Audiogist, both Auckland and Canterbury Unis offer a Master of Audiology degree.
I am interested in hearing what your Mum's answer to this question is. My manager and I have looked at training courses available in Australia, as Steve H has kindly provided details for. The training courses available in Australia do require some clinical experience/placements and if I went down that track I would have to find a supervisor to oversee that. Am I correct in thinking that your Mum could potentially oversee that?
My manager and I have looked at the TAFE course in Australia and it looks particularly good.
It is a pity that NZ doesn't have these kinds of training opportunities any longer. An MA in Audiology would be awesome! I wonder what the pre-requisites are for that course?
To answer you question, it sounds like it would be unlikely. However, you could get in touch with Careerforce as that is the ITO that my Mum is an assessor/moderator for. You can find out more here.
By the sounds of it, the training for the role you are looking at used to be carried at out a specialist audiology practice (?) in Auckland, however this training no longer takes place here (as you know) and she isn't aware of any organisations currently offering the training in NZ.
Have you sounded out the NZ Occupational Health Nurses Assn for workplace hearing screening training. What do they recommend?
Hi there, Working for Health currently provides Audiometry Training for OHNs. NZOHNA are currently trying to get extra providers and also providers for an Audiometry Update :)