• Steph Ryall
    Assignar, its a work management system. Happy to provide more detail if you want. We needed a one stop shop for bookings, workers details, safety forms, and it nails it. User friendly, never had an outage.
  • Steph Ryall
    I would add, the worker HS Rep has said the workers are reporting more with Assignar too, we can build the Hazards Register in as a drop down, then auto drop down to the known controls, does so many many things effortlessly
  • Gordon
    Thanks Steph I will get in touch soon
  • Riki Brown
    ZeroHarmFarm and Safely (which is now called Audits, or Auditz I think). Both kiwi operations.
  • Susan Gale
    Our Council uses Vault - mainly only used for event reporting and presentation of risk registers. It is cumbersome and not generally liked in the organisation by managers. Damstra has recently taken over the ownership, so waiting to see if there are any improvements in the pipeline.
  • Joe Boyle
    I think one very important thing to remember and to consider here is that these software products simply support and add to an overarching Health and Safety Management System the 'company' sets up for themselves. In no way should we rely 'JUST' on an app or software programme. They cannot capture or deliver everything.
  • Mark Kenny-Beveridge
    I think the other thing to add or consider, building on Joe's point, is has the company got the off the shelf 'vanilla' product, or customised it to their business wants/needs? I say this, as most I have been involved in tend to be customised, which then negatively impacts on the user experience... kind of similar to the backyard mechanics taking a Honda Civic and modifying it with the hope of making it a Ferrari...it seldomly meets the users expectations and now doesn't function as the manufacturer intended it to.
  • Gordon
    Thanks for the feedback Riki, Susan, Joe and Mark :) You will see from the below that the responses forum members have provided to my original request above are most useful.
    A bit more background to this forum post for your information:
    My Project Aim:
    • To document key factors regarding adoption and implementation of a digital health and safety system in a tertiary educational setting.
    Project Goals:
    1. Research commercial digital health and safety systems features.
    2. Assess these features of digital health and safety systems against:
    a. WorkSafe New Zealand requirements based on the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA 2015), and
    b. the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard 45001:2018 Occupational health and safety management systems — Requirements with guidance for use.
    3. Research implementation of digital health and safety systems.
    4. Make recommendations regarding adoption and implementation of a digital health and safety system for Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology Limited (Toi Ohomai)
  • Jessica Lowson
    I use ecoPortal which manages all of our H&S Activities from incident management, risk registers & reviews, committee meetings, inspections, Site Specific Safety Plans, corrective actions and contractor management. This has all been customised to fit the requirements of our business. I haven't looked into the API capabilities in detail though, so can't comment on how it integrates.
  • Stace
    I'm using a new New Zealand based one called iTrak. It's pretty basic but good for acc/inc reporting, hazard reporting, on site presence/tracking, scheduled reporting and basic inspections, and they have been building further capabilities into it specific for our needs, albeit slowly.
  • Henry SamsonAccepted Answer
    As an advisor partnered with SaferMe quite a few of my clients are using this platform, it's especially suited to mobile businesses, it's easy to use with an intuative backend that enables members to create bespoke reporting tools. I also use iAuditor for inspections/audits and SiteApp Pro.
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