Worksafe Inspector Disparaging Health and Safety Consultants Jan Hall,I agree with all of your comments posted thus far we do tend get a bad wrap I personally found this out attending a chambers of commerce H&S meeting ,however I would like to qualify my comments.
A s a H&S consultant ten years previous initially I fell into the trap providing of the Forrest of H&S paper work Compliance! Compliance! and No follow up
.However I came to the realization that all this paper work was all a bit to hard - for the clients, all they wanted was the "Keep it simple stupid process" from the Forrest of H&S documents for their business, though it meant less charged time for me.
I duly adjusted of what was required and relevant.
But would this approach work?
.A Work safe inspector who saw one of my clients chainsawing trees in a Public area asked for the required H&S requirements, the client duly complied.The inspector asked who provided this simplified H&S documentation my email address was given - the feed back was very positive with one recommendation.
I found all the inspectors I have had contact with, very accommodating.I have invited them to inspect a work site of a client, with some minor recommendations.
"This particular worksafe inspector is shooting fast from the hip"
It would be fair to say that most business do not realize that there are a lot of free H&S resources can be found online,however the key is navigating Worksafe/ACC Site Safe,Farm safe etc web pages.
H&S consultants we generally know where to look and what is relevant for a business.
So now, I like to mentor clients, pointing them to the right areas online for H&S resources applicable for their business,I then like to follow it up with a one visit at no charge,furthermore I can be contacted for assistance and again no charge.
So the time I charged is far less than previously, however the client is far more engaged with H&S and is satisfied with the service provided
Therefore with this approach, the referral work has increased.
My approach NOW! is to get someone in the Business, and help to teach them to understand H&Safety.
For me "I Like H&S", BUT I am very interested in helping people- I very sure my hard working H&S consultant colleagues would feel the same way>