• Michelle Warren
    Do any of you pay an allowance or any amount of $$ to your H&S reps? If so, what are they actually getting paid for? i.e. attending HS meetings, reporting back to their work areas, KPIs, safety observations?
  • Amy Richards
    We gave our HRS a one off voucher to use to purchase company produced product upon election. We used it as an incentive for people to nominate themselves, and then provided outgoing HSRs with a voucher for a lower amount to say thanks for your service. However this is not tied to the tasks that they do during their tenure, or at least, not yet.
  • Sheri Greenwell
    As adults in pursuit of 'mature' approaches to safety management systems, isn't there a potential hypocrisy of using 'rewards' to gain engagement - essentially offering bribes as extrinsic motivators - as compared with developing workplace culture that people WANT to be part of, and offering the opportunity to participate in something meaningful, worthwhile, that gives them something back in terms of their own personal and professional development? Wouldn't organisations be more likely to attract the right people if the motivation was intrinsic and came from resonance with what the organisation is trying to achieve for workplace safety?
  • Michelle Warren
    I agree Sheri. Our representatives have gone to their union and asked the question. Last time we left it as is, no payments, (bribes). We certainly do have many who want to be a part of the health, safety and wellbeing in their daily lives. There are some that just do not get on that bus!
    Thanks for responding.
  • Dianne Campton
    Our reps have a reduction in the productivity code to allow them time to carry out their activities. It is a voluntary position so no financial remuneration is provided. Asking for payment is going back to the 'dark ages' when danger money was provided instead of engagement, commitment and leadership.
  • Nicki
    We take our staff out to a cafe/function centre for our last meeting of the year where they can enjoy some food. Once the meeting is over we hit some golf balls & enjoy a drink together. Our staff look forward to it each year, with great feedback from them saying it reinforces them feeling valued.
  • rebecca telfer
    our reps are also not paid.
    we too have a little party at the end of the year, where they get a certificate of appreciation.
  • Andrew
    No payment here either.

    Though we do have an agreement whereby if I make a commitment and fail to deliver on time then I buy cake for the next meeting.
  • Michelle Warren
    Nice Andrew!
    Maybe food is the draw card for some.
  • Janet Mary Houston
    We ensure that their involvement and pro activeness as HSR is regularly appreciated in transparent ways that everyone is aware of. The best HSR's are the ones there not for financial reward but because they have the same driver as any H&S professional, they care about their colleagues and want to contribute in keeping them safe.
  • Sherralynne Smith
    When I worked in healthcare as a H&S Rep, we had a quarterly award where the various teams submitted a health and safety initiative to the health and safety committee. The initiative was voted on and the winners were awarded with a company trophy, morning tea shout and a feature article in the staff newsletter. At the last health and safety committee meeting each year, afternoon tea was always provided.
  • Michelle Warren
    Nice Sherralynne.
    We have "shout outs" during the months, and those people or teams or get shout outs can in to the pool for the companies awards on a quarterly basis. Yes they get a group morning tea and a gift card. This is for the whole business, not just H&S reps. One of the categories is Health, Safety and Wellbeing, the others are Integrity, Customer Service or Excellence.
  • Ross bucklar
    MoJ don't make a payment to our HSR's. We do, however, hold HSR conferences annually to provide an opportunity for our reps to network, strengthen contacts and receive some form of training that they identify as being useful. We have also timed our award presentations at the Conference to happen the day prior to the GHSL Conference so the winners are provided with a further chance to enhance their awareness of H&S practice. Unfortunately, this year's conference was cancelled due to the pandemic.
  • Sheri Greenwell
    It could work for the HSRs to have specific measurable goals - individual and team goals, aligned to the organisation's overall H&S goals, with some sort of celebration activity such as a meal or morning tea, with an accompanying programme for the CEO to recognise individual and team achievements.

    As an aside note, the leadership training I've had noted that the most effective recognition is personal and specific, delivered from the person's direct manager, and generally emphasises appreciation for specific work done. So if the manager can personally, specifically and authentically THANK individuals and recognise their contribution in a meaningful way, that should have the most powerfully positive effect. And interestingly, that would also cost the least!!
  • Michelle Warren
    Sheri, that is good feedback, thanks.
  • Theresa Khatchian
    Totally agree with Sheri, as the function of a HSR is one where folks actually want to be involved in H&S and been a part of building that "just culture" in the workplace. Pleased to actually read that we are all on the same page around this.

    Our HS Annual Award process has finally evolved to where it is not a standard alone process, this year it will be part of the CE's Award (yay, part of the business not an add on).

    Our HSR's can completed up to Stage 4 and those wanting to do more are encouraged to look at doing the S.I.T. Papers. This is not paid for out of the HS Budget but due to the low cost we recommend that if they are really keen they can pay for it themselves. Or, bring it up at their PDP to see if the funding can come from their own business units. We have had some great results of different HSR's completing their Diploma via S.I.T. We have recently asked via HR for HSR's to have something put into their PDP around been a HSR etc. Not sure how many of you have it in at your organisation.
  • Michael Wilson

    My experience says if the reps see that what they do makes a difference they will be interested. If what they do make no difference then the won't.
  • MattD2
    My experience says if the reps see that what they do makes a difference they will be interested. If what they do make no difference then the won't.Michael Wilson
    Further to Michael's comment instead of looking to "bribe" H&S Representatives to do what the company wants (sit in H&S Committee meetings, communicate the company's latest H&S messages to their teams, encourage workers to engage in the company's latest H&S initiative, etc.) wouldn't it be more effective to enable them to do what they want (H&S wise that is) - provide them each a budget that can be used for H&S initiatives that their teams actually want (better PPE, welding on lifting lugs to assist with moving heavy equipment, etc.) that would otherwise have to go through the normal slow and painful procurement process (and therefore never actually get done).
    I wonder how many of the H&S Committee meeting minute action items would be replaced with a simple "we did this" comment if this was the case...
  • Brook Rush
    No payment here. Every month we give out a H&S award voucher (anywhere from $20 - $100 depending on the reason) and sometimes it is an HSR who gets the award for an outstanding piece of work. Our reps also have a specific KPI regarding their HSR role. We then have a decent morning tea in December as a thank you to the team!
  • Mel Brown
    As a H&S representative our has organisation has not considered any payment or allowance in recognition for rendered work to a Health and Safety rep.

    One thing springs to mind: Conflict of interest, making decisions that could look to be bias or impaired due to financial gain. What would be unsettling for me to receive monetary recognition would be the 'look that it sets' to my colleagues that I advocate for.
    I am nominated and voted to be the voice of the staff that voted me in. Receiving an allowance from the stakeholder that I am supposed to challenge would look un-ethical and I know the guys, it won't sit well with them as well.
    I would think that if any negative issues were raised regarding ' my decisions for our staff ' my chances would be pretty poor of seeking re-election.
    Although in my view the H&S rep in some organisations are highly valuable and are not recognised for their efforts. But, it seems that some organisations want to recognise their H&S rep, so offering alternative recognition options other than money would be ideal.
  • Muhammad Hafidz
    Our H&S reps are volunteers and they gladly contribute without any rewards. It all depends on the safety culture of the workplace I believe.
  • Sheri Greenwell
    In an ideal world, people would be volunteering for the right reasons and feeling rewarded by being able to make a tangible difference. I don't think it actually helps the cause much to think we have to keep dangling extrinsic motivators to get people to participate. As others have said already in this thread, creating the right culture will achieve engagement and participation, and recognition is most effective when it is genuine and personal - like just say thank you and mean it!
  • Douglas Machado
    We have allowance for meeting meeting attendance. Currently, our HSRs aren't very active though, as there is no expectation of extra work to be done (audits, etc), they are good at reporting and voicing concerns at our meetings.
  • Candis Hawkins
    Only worked in one organisation that had HSR allowance, $10 / week
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